Baggenstos Farm

Oct 12, 2008 23:02

Saturday we all went out to lunch and then out to this farm over the hill from the parents house called Baggenstos Farm. (Good luck on how you say it.) It was way fun! Take a look.

I'm cute! Look at me I'm on some hay.

There's Juli on the left Misty, John and then there's Aaron and Keera playing around again.

What a handsome man!

Lurking behind us was the corn maze. Lets go!
I've never done a corn maze in broad daylight. It was a lot less freaky. ;)

Isn't she cute? 

There she goes blazing the trail.

This is one of my favorites. Aaron and Keera are at the sign, Juli is looking the the right, Misty to the left and John right ahead. Which way should we go? CORN-fusion in the corn!

We did have little maps though. Can you see it? It actually has John McCain's name in the very top left hand corner then his head. It says vote in the bottom left corner with "election 08" from corner to corner through the middle. At the very bottom right corner it has Obama and his face above his name. So we got to wander around in a cornfield grown in the shape of the presidential candidates. Is this only in nerdy Oregon?

The parents. They probably hate me for posting this but I think its so cute. They're holding hands!

Its amazing how tall the corn grows in one season. It always reminds me of the movie Children of the Corn. Aaron and I saw that for sale at the Fred Meyers for $10. I suggested we buy it until I realized it was rated "R." How did I ever see that?
We did buy The Hound of the Baskervilles for $5. (Not rated R) Its supposed to inspire us to finish reading the book together before Halloween so we can watch the movie together on Halloween. We'll see how that goes.
I signed us up for the "trunk or treat" at the church. Another first. We have no costumes (altough Aaron has thought of being a busted pinata with candy coming out of his middle) and no decorations for the trunk. (The trunk that has no light in it.)

I remember fuzzy caterpillars in Texas. When I was a kid someone told me not to step on them because they were poisonous. Is that true or were they just trying to keep the caterpillars alive? There were heaps of these ones inching across our path.
Onward to the pumkin patch!

misty, saturday, baggenstos farm, corn, oregon, john, keera, juli, aaron, hay, halloween, caterpillars

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