It's raining. No, actually, it's pouring. And there is no old man snoring. Well, alright, maybe there is if you consider my 9 and a half year old dog an old man lol.
I woke up today panicking because I thought it had to be something like 8 o'clock at night. Then, when I saw the clock said 1 in the afternoon, I started thinking "wtf" because it hadn't started raining at that point. I swear it seemed darker in my house when I woke up then it was when I went to sleep.
A couple of pictures. My windows are dirty, I know, but they were sticking and I couldn't get them open. *rolls eyes*
I used to like rain before I moved here. *sigh*
I guess that's enough random pouting. I'm going to go find some chocolate to cheer me up and pray I don't lose my internet connection.