Yoinked from
pantherprincess You're right, Panther. The clean version does have better presents.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
for hyjinx122:
Day #Who?What they got you1st
rurounihimeA sex-ed textbook from 19522nd
katillathehunAn apology - for life with them up until now3rd
arrmaiteeA lock of Dr. Phil’s hair4th
tisfollyA wardrobe containing the whole of Narnia5th
laughingvoidA French Kiss6th
sean_harrisonA tub of uncooked pancake batter7th
david_drakeA tiara8th
meyghasaYour neighbour's welcome mat9th
pantherprincessAn invitation to the Playboy mansion10th
gothic_rebeccaA red telephone connected directly to the president11th
laughingvoidYour sister's stolen diary12th
sebastien_sladeAll the mail they have stolen from you over the year
Take this Quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com( or, take the 'adult' version at
QuizUniverse.com ) Wow my friends give awesome gifts! Hey Folly, if anyone would get me Narnia it's you. ;)