I - am - uni-corn, uni-corn, uni-corn, I aaaam! (Thank you, Kesha)

Oct 01, 2011 18:02

Glee. 3.02: I Am Unicorn

- I'm sure Brittany has a hidden graphic designer in her... somewhere. 
- Le gasp, is that Tina getting more lines? *claps hands* Yay, achievement!
- Lol, I love you, Mike! How come you're so much more awesome than all the other boys combined? 
- Akafiuysaifyaiduyasgyai, Quinn!!! She wants your lunch money and she wants it nao! You look like an unwashed homo. ;) Yes, that's homo, not hobo. :P
- Okay, I like Puck as well now.
- "This *is* toned down -- in the original the unicorn was riding you." Lolllll.
- D'awwww, Santana! You're the most precious girlfriend in the world! :3 
- Are you wearing plaid, Quinn? (gaaaayyyyy)
- Bye-bye, pink hair. And you're such a big mess, Quinn. 
- Brittany is THE unicorn. :P
- What is it with this show and not wanting to show Quinn any respect? Geez! Oh, right -- it's Glee. Got it. 
- I'm just going to quote someone else directly because they are pretty spot on, I think: "The part that I dislike most about what happened to Quinn in this ep was that none of her issues were dealt with. Her obvious internal turmoil was (once again) ignored, and she basically just took off the makeup and changed her hair color in order to be who someone thought she should be. I don't think that "skank Quinn" was who Quinn really is, but I don't think that this Quinn is either." Quinn is, like, the Girl With a Thousand Masks -- once one slips off her face, there's a new one to replace it. So, unless they pick the thread up immediately in the next episode concerning her neon sign screaming-to-high-heaven problems, I'm just going to sideeye the writers, as per usual.  

- Everybody keeps hating on Rachel. Why? I don't get it.  
- Give me all the Faberry babysitting Beth fic in the world, with added Puckelberry/Quick bromance on the side!!!


Fringe. 4.02: One Day in October

- "Maybe your type doesn't exist?" Yes, ha, ha, ha. Good one. I still don't see the appeal of Peter and Olivia as a couple.  
- "Well, I lived in your apartment, and I picked up a lot of things about you." Like, what size battery your vibrator uses and that you have a stack of magazines containing lesbian erotica tucked under the mattress. Not that I would tell anyone or anything *whistles*
- Lol, I'll just call Altlivia FlirtySmile!livia from now on. Hot damn, woman. ;D
- This guy is all, like: "I wouldn't happen to be a serial killer in this universe, would I? I'm getting a feeling."
- This is where you say that you're twins and that you're both FBI agents, 'kay?
- Don't you just hate when you're about to drill a hole in someone's skull and your doppelganger walks in? Yeah, hate it.
- Lol, Fringe symbol in the cornfield! 
- I think Jesus said that too or something. That guy was big on walking into light and on sunshine and all that.

Both of you ladies are invited to the party in my panties: 

~I just wanna make sweet love to you, woman~



1. Reply to this post with "Vagenda", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

shan_3414 was so kind as to pick these five icons o'mine:


Daenerys Targaryen [Game of Thrones]. Why is this my default icon? Uhm - I guess what it basically comes down to is: 1) It's Daenerys Targaryen who's a damn BAMF. 2) Emilia Clarke is incredibly attractive and 3) her very pretty face is covered in very pretty blood, which happens to be a bulletproof kink of mine. Also, I like the way the light frames her face in the icon, contrasting with the red of the blood.


Olivia Dunham [Fringe]. This is my happy icon, because it's Olivia smiling, and she doesn't do that often enough in "Fringe", which really is a shame. My favourite Olivia is the one with the dopey smiles.


Santana Lopez [Glee]. I like the negative space in this one as well as the colouring of it. I think it's gorgeous. This is also one of those icons that doesn't show Santana's bitchy side, but her more vulnerable side, one of the main reasons why I picked it.


Cara Mason [Legend of The Seeker]. I miss Legend of the Seeker - I miss everything it was, everything it could have been and most importantly - I just miss Cara and Kahlan. I miss Cara being hilariously snarky and her loyality to Richard and what he wished to accomplish with his quest. I miss her dealing with her ~feelings~. Bottom line: I miss Legend of the Seeker, and this icon reminds me of the things I loved about the show.


Quinn Fabray [Glee]. Punk!Quinn is my favourite Quinn. Why? Well, why not? ;) I'm not going to lie - for those two episodes we got the pink hair and the nosering I loved it. I mean, it would have made more sense if the writers had shown the progress of her Fabreakdown, and how it resulted in her dressing the way she did instead of: "Bam! Here you go, punk!Quinn," but you know what? This is Glee and, uh, yeah. This is Glee. Let's leave it at that. ;)  

fandom: glee, fandom: fringe, meme: fandom

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