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life_abandoned August 18 2011, 20:56:12 UTC
Your name: Kathleen Robot
Age: 24
Why do you ship Faberry: They're each other's Lobster!
Aside from being absolutely gorgeous (in and out of the show), they compliment each other perfectly. Have amazing chemistry musically and with just day to day scenes no matter how short. They're similar in their goals but different in personality which is ideal for an epic relationship.
Favourite Faberry scene/s: Probably when they were singing "Keep Holding On" and when Quinn told Glee that she wants to write a song with Rachel.
Contributions to fandom (fanfic, fanart, etc?): one loley fanfic... but im in the process of writing a pretty long one... whenever I get around to it :(
Other Glee ships you like: Brittana. Tike. Rachel/Broadway. Rachel/Rachel. Faberittana. Finn/Death. Puckleberry friendship. Puck/Lauren.
Favourite episode and why: I forgot the title but it's the one where Santana, brittany and Holly sing landslide and where Santana pretty much pours her out to Brittany. Why? Because those scenes alone are probably the only real thing that Glee has offered me in regards to storyline. It was raw. Powerful. Meaningful. I felt for Santana.
Any other fandoms: Psh... Wiffy will forever be my OTP (Buffy/Willow). BAM. and I was a fan of Bleighton for a while.
How much of an unpressed lemon is Quinn really from a scale from 1 to 10?: Like a 9... anything less is a lie.
Anything else: Hi!


darksyx August 18 2011, 23:39:10 UTC
Awww, Keep Holding On is epic, I should have added that moment too!
Finn/Death is an awesome ship, btw. =D


life_abandoned August 19 2011, 06:44:35 UTC

I think Finn/Death should be canon! It would be my OTP for sure! haha


rainbowruse August 19 2011, 08:39:05 UTC


hyena_gal August 21 2011, 14:38:32 UTC
I concur with all your reasons for shipping Faberry. :) Also, your other Glee ships: Brittana. Tike. Rachel/Broadway. Rachel/Rachel. Faberittana. Finn/Death. Puckleberry friendship - I'm behind all of these. ;)

Lol, Bleighton was -awesome- in its heyday! The fic was brilliant! :)


life_abandoned August 22 2011, 06:50:00 UTC
awwww thank you! It was a very short one shot but why not I say! haha... And yaaaaay!! I love all those ships too! :)


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