I beat your dog, 'cause he hit on my cat

Mar 14, 2011 19:30

Meme: Give me a character from any fandom I know, and I'll give you my top 5 of characters I ship them with.


Fic rec:  what were the greek ships on fire - Merlin; Morgana/Morgause by Anonymous. Found this in the Merlin Kinkmeme and whoo, boy -- it's yummy! Gorgeously lyrical and just a great read, considering how short it is. Whoever wrote it should fess up! Makes me want to try to delve into some Morgana/Morgause of myself now... 

So, we have fanfic archives where you can search for pairings, genres, whatever, correct? How the hell come there's *nothing* of this kind of thing when it comes to fanvids? You could search for the song which you know would just work *perfectly* in a certain vid and hopefully find it used in your fandom of choice. I'd love to see something like this around.

This brought on by me listening to Franz Ferdinand's Michael recently and not being able to find the song used in a Lost Boys fanvid! Say what? Come on!

What the hell is up with Naya *still* being hot even while wearing a fake drawn moustache, a tophat and a monocle? Also, I want the fic for thiiiiis, kthnx, Glee fandom. The person who made this should be my friend: 


music pimpin', fandom: glee, ch: vampires and werewolves, fandom: merlin, ... rec [fanfic], cracks me up, meme: fandom, genre: femslash

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