I meant to be a little crazy...

Feb 21, 2011 19:33

So, I purchased Jennifer's Body a few days ago, and, yes, rewatching it only confirmed it being *exactly* as lesbigay as I remembered it being the first time I saw it. :)

Especially one of the deleted scenes *really* hit the ball out of the field. 

I'm talking about this scene in particular which was cut: the Needy Confronts Jennifer scene.

Okay, so this confrontation between them is supposed to play out in the showers. In. The. Showers. After gym.

Girls. Showering. Together.

Fine. Okay, whatever. So, the first thing we see as the camera makes its slow crawl through the steamy place is two naked girls. And then a third one checking herself out briefly in a mirror (again, this should be seen in connection to all the times we've seen Jennifer looking at herself in the mirror too, obvs).


And *then* the conversation they have follows with these exact words:

Needy: "You're killing people."

Jennifer: "No, I'm killing *boys*. Boys are just placeholders. They come and they go."

I sincerely hope the blatant homoeroticism was intentional throughout, because if it wasn't -- then everybody involved with this movie really had the implication of everything flying over their heads like *whoa* -- and yet, I can't really believe that.


Oh Lordy, just after Glee's Beiber episode, and then the kid has to open his dumb little mouth and say stuff like this! Beiber, go educate yourself -- and, please, don't talk about things you apparently don't know *anything about*. *grouchy*


- Hawaiian Legislature Approves Same-Sex Civil Unions

- Do Females Write Epic Fantasy Differently Than Males Do?

Someone's having this discussion in her journal, and it's quite interesting to read about.


This FandomSecret made me laugh for quite a while...

Before I actually caught myself going ".... hmm, yes," after a moment or two.

Can't deny that Naya's got a pretty face... 

brain fodder, teh great gay!, what to the fuck?, genre: horror, fandom: glee, oh lord the human race

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