(no subject)

Aug 23, 2010 12:13

True Blood. 03x10: I Smell a Rat

- Ahahaha, I knew it!!! See, it makes sense with the dancing people dressed in white and it would also explain what Sookie is: probably a changeling.
- Sam got screwed over! Royally! Anger management issues! 
- "I am *not* like Edward Cullen! I am *not*!" Eheheh, Bill. 
- Awww, Eric is giving everything he owns to Pam. Twue wuve! 
- Crystal is starting to annoy me. A lot! >:(
- "Once evil, always evil". That is one great comeback, Arlene. ;) Okay, I guess this is how straight girls feel when Eric shows his strength - you wouldn't mind being bitten when they hold you by the shoulders like that! Grawwr, Jessica! ♥ Also, I haaaate you, Tommy!
- Aaawwwww, Terry! ♥♥♥
- Give Tara a fucking break!!!
- Ho damn, Pam is the shizzle! Yowza!
- Russell, I love you! ♥♥♥ If I didn't love Jessica as much as I do, you would be number 1!
- "Freaky vampire girl who bites her nails!" JESSICA! <3 Aaargh, go die in a hole, Tommy!!! Hoyt! Jessica! ♥♥♥♥
- Oh, Russell, you're making my heart ache. :'( You crazy fuck, you. 
. . .

Ship Meme:

# Day 23 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great?

Spike/Angel(us)/Drusilla from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Dysfunctional vampire family unit! How I love thee! Incest, and bloodshed, and a good ol' time! 

# Day 24 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly?
# Day 25 - A pairing that was/would-be adorable, but could never work out?
# Day 26 - A pairing that you hated and ended up loving?
# Day 27 - A pairing that you loved and ended up hating?
# Day 28 - A pairing that you will never understand?
# Day 29 - What ship had the best proposal?
# Day 30 - Your favorite ship forever and ever and ever!

. . .

Song A Day Meme: 
Day 23- A song that makes me angry

When I get annoyed I get angry. And that's pretty much what all Black Eyed Peas' songs do to me. So, here's a guy telling it like it is:

image Click to view


Day 24- A cover song 
Day 25- An acoustic song I love 
Day 26- A song by my favorite band 
Day 27- A song I make fun of 
Day 28- A song that turns me on 
Day 29- A song currently stuck in my head 
Day 30- A song I haven’t listened to in a while

music pimpin', fandom: btvs, meme: fandom, fandom: true blood

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