"So go on with your bad self"

Feb 06, 2013 20:37

▪ Remember when one half of my OTP in Merlin died... and then the other half died? Yeah, good times, good times. *silently weeps*

Merlin AU: Morgana and Gwen as Hades and Persephone. Oh goodness, this is pretty~ ♥ Also reminds me how much I loved Sarah Diemer's The Dark Wife, and, hey, if you haven't read that book, you should!

▪ Speaking of ( Read more... )

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, fandom: merlin, fandom: glee, cracks me up, otp: prettiestgirliknow, ... rec [fanart/fanvid]

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majorrogue February 7 2013, 19:47:56 UTC
morgana/morgause how i miss thee!! :(

I'm not even going to look at that link about tennessee coz i know it will piss me off!! lol!!

erm........ *looks around and whispers* I don't get that "do you think they know" thing :/

I love that avengers pic! i would SOOOO watch that thor movie!! (although i do love man thor [that sounds funny and wrong! lol!] )

that would make quinn more interesting, that's for sure!! :D


hyena_gal February 7 2013, 19:56:25 UTC
"Sister, sister, siiiiisster!" Oh mah bebes~ (If you find a fic which fits my description, will you throw it my way? ;) )

It's... they're making it even more fucked up than it started out, that bill. *shakes head*

*laughs!* It's okay, don't be ashamed -- I'll explain. ;D They are the names of two of the most prolific gay porn studios out there at the moment. So gay guys get the joke. ;)

I'd watch The Avengers if the cast looked like that. :P

I actually see season 1 Quinn as Edward to some degree, tbh -- moody and rude to the girl he doesn't know how to communicate his feelings to. :P


majorrogue February 7 2013, 20:15:07 UTC
if i see a fic like that i'll let you know but so far i have no idea! (also i haven't read merlin fanfic in years!!)

that's american politics for you!!

aahhhh! well kinda no wonder i didnt know! i don't watch porn!!!

I don't mind the avengers but i'm pretty sure i'd LOVE it if it were like that! :D

she's kinda like that all seasons isn't she??!!


hyena_gal February 7 2013, 20:24:45 UTC
I have found a few fic I intend on reading... at some point...

America sure is stupid sometimes.

*chuckles* Well, I don't really either, but I just knew these studios exist. ;)

I like how Hawkeye looks like a cute soft butch~

She is, she is, but she was acting predominantly like that in the first season -- Quinn Fabray is a grumpy repressed queer vampire. ;P


majorrogue February 7 2013, 21:13:28 UTC
oh yeah i see loads of fics i'll read....... then forget!! :(

sometimes??? ;)

ok you can have hawkeye and i'll have thor....... and maybe cap........ and maybe hulk!!

lol!! i'd watch the show! ')


hyena_gal February 7 2013, 21:18:14 UTC
Ah, but I save them when I come across them! ;)

Sometimes Americans aren't completely stupid. :P

Wai u be grabbing dem all, guurrrl? :o You be greedy. ;)

Sparkling singing cheerleader vampires, man....


majorrogue February 7 2013, 21:23:34 UTC
yeah..... i don't!! lol!! d'oh!

hmmm....sometimes... :D lol!

ok ok i'll just have thor and cap! :) u can have the rest!??

i've said it before and i'll say it again "i'd watch that show"!! hahaha!


hyena_gal February 7 2013, 21:27:28 UTC
Start doing it then~ ;)

We can't be hating on all of them. ;P

Yes, iz gud! Iz a deeelll.

Someone should just write the fic. ;)


majorrogue February 7 2013, 21:31:02 UTC
ohhh!!! yeeeaahhhhh!!!

nope not all of them!

hahaha! you also get black widow!! haha!!

well, my muse ran away so it wont be me....... :(


hyena_gal February 7 2013, 21:33:54 UTC
Good girl. ;)


Well, I'll just swap to the f!version of Black Widow~ ;)

I've already have my hands full. :P


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