"So go on with your bad self"

Feb 06, 2013 20:37

▪ Remember when one half of my OTP in Merlin died... and then the other half died? Yeah, good times, good times. *silently weeps*

Merlin AU: Morgana and Gwen as Hades and Persephone. Oh goodness, this is pretty~ ♥ Also reminds me how much I loved Sarah Diemer's The Dark Wife, and, hey, if you haven't read that book, you should!

▪ Speaking of Merlin, does anyone know where I can find an AU fic where Morgana is an out and proud LGBT activist, her girlfriend, Gwen, used to have a thing for a closeted Arthur who in turn happens to have a thing for Merlin? ...... come on, don't tell me no one has written this exact fic I've just described?

Tennessee 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Now Requires Teachers To Tell Parents if Their Child is Gay

"Do you think they know?" Yeah, spot the straight folks, indeed. This cracked me up, tho. :P

▪ Fanart rec: Female!Avengers - this is awesome~ Just look at Thor and Captain America~

▪ Once upon a time, Dianna Agron wore this t-shirt (as seen in this video) and then that lead to me to thinking about sparkling cheerleader vampires.

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, fandom: merlin, fandom: glee, cracks me up, otp: prettiestgirliknow, ... rec [fanart/fanvid]

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