Holy -- another fracking meme!

May 04, 2009 16:36

*Stumbles in*

*Finds meme thrown at me. Eyes it for a little while. Am pathetic and have no will of my own.*

Why do you hate me, centauri_2002? Whyyyyyy?

And this is where I find out that (as suspected) I *do* in fact sound like a broken record: should be writing. Am answering this meme instead. Fuck yeah.

Not making anybody else take it!

ETA: Fixed some of those typos in this. What happens when you're tired.

1.One of your scars - how did you get it?
Got a scar running down the length of my left temple, right next to my eye. I like to think of it as my 'almost Scar scar'. I got it as a kid from falling down and bumping my head against a convenient sharp edge.  :(

2. What is on the wall of your room?
A big black pirate flag! Grrraaaawr, ye landlubbers! ;P

3. What does your mobile phone look like?
Red and black. 'S fine.

4. What music do you listen to?
Easier if I'm given names/bands - then I'll tell you if s/he/they're Good, Bad or Meh.

5. Do you know what time you were born?

6. What do you want more than anything right now?
To be done with this meme. :D

7. Who do you miss?
I should be missing someone? Who? :0

8.What's your middle name?
Starts with a K.

9. What's the best TV show ever created?
Question of taste. Everybody likes something different. But since I love Buffy, I'll say Buffy.

10. The last person you talked to..?
............ a family member.

11. Do you get scared in the dark?
No, I tend to be asleep.

12. The last person to make you cry..?
I... can't recall.

13. What is your favourite cologne/perfume?
I do not have one.

14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the opposite sex?
Erh... I like hair. I like eyes. If they have both it's great, y'know? (<-- wtf?)

15. Would you rather be smart or funny?
Smart, I guess.

16. Coffee or energy drink?
Coffee! All black! Yummy yummy yummy! :)

17. What is your favourite pizza topping?

18. If you can eat anything right now, what would it be?
Wouldn't say no to a burger... never get to eat them.

19. Who is the last person you made mad?
........................ family member.

20. Do you speak another language?
Yes, I do.

21. What was the first gift someone ever gave you?
I dunno? I probably didn't appreciate it anyway.

22. Do you like someone?

23. Are you double jointed?
Probably. Probably is a good word.

24. Favourite clothing brand?
................ *blank stare*

25. What's your dream car?
............... *more profound blank stare*

26. What colour is it?
Black as the niiiiiight.

27. What's your favourite kind of exercise?
....... running?

28. Would you fall in love knowing that the person would leave?
Heh. 'Spontaneous Lurrrving Activated!' Wouldn't matter. I'd stalk them. I'd be great fun for me actually.  :D

29. What is the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you?
You... tell them?

30. Say a number from one to a hundred:

31. Blondes or brunettes?

32. What is the one number you call often?
I make nada calls. I don't like talking over the phone. Never have.

33. What annoys you the most?

34. Have you ever been out the US?
Never been there, but will soon.

35. Your weakness?
I have many. Far, far, far too many... (Vague Answer is Vague)

36. Tater tots or fries?
Fries... yeah, I could go for some fries.

37. First job?
At a dentist. Got to clean up the blood and dump the teeth that got pulled out in a garbage can. Good times, that.

38. Ever prank call someone?
Nah. I'd rather sit and watch other people do it.

39. What were you doing before you filled this out?
Reading different entries on LJ in different communities.

40. If you could get plastic surgery, what would it be?
Hmmm. I'd rather used my money on something else.

41. Why did you fill out this survey?
Because centauri threw it at my head. And it left a huge *dent*! (Because my head is made of metal)

42. What do you get complimented on the most?
........... the answer fails me at the moment.

43. What would you do if alcohol became illegal?
I would think it was a sad, sad day for humanity indeed. :(

44. What do you want for your birthday?
Hi hi hi. I'll come up with something.  I'll be in New York at the time, so I need to come up with some ideas soon...

45. How many kids do you want?
I'm honestly not too keen on the idea of kids. :/

46. Were you named after someone?

47. Do you wish on stars?

48. Which finger(s) is your favourite?
Ze middle! XD No, I like all my fingers equally.

49. When did you last cry?
Sniffled a bit. No bawling. Not that awfully long ago.

50. Do you like your handwriting?
No. It's not very visually pleasing. :S

51. What is your favourite lunch meat?

52. Any bad habits?
Have a handful, maybe, perhaps, yes.

53. What is the most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
Burned N*SYNC cd. Gave it to someone else, but it still winded up back here. <.<

54. If you were someone else, would you be friends with you?
..... am not going to answer no.

55. Have you ever told a secret you swore never to tell?
I am very good at keeping secrets. They're safe with me.

56. Do looks matter?
Yes and no. Sufficient answer.

57. How do you release your anger?
Bite pillows, punch the bed. Stuff like that.

58. Where is your second home?
In my head.

59. Do you trust others easily?
That I do not.

60. What was your favourite toy as a child?
I loved this little brown dog with green wheels instead of paws I had.

61. How many numbers are in your mobile phone?
Don't know. Am not interested in knowing.

62. Do you use sarcasm?
What do *you* think?

63. Do you know anyone famous?
I know people who know people who know.

64. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
Nuh uh.

65. What do you look for in a guy/girl?
Honesty, a sense of humor, and the list goes on. XD

66. What are your nicknames?
Ask my little sister. :-P

67. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
One pair of Converse. And then I've got me trusty boots.

68. Do you untie your laces when you take them off?

69. Were you upset about Steve Irwin dying?
No. Knew it would only be a question of time before he got himself killed.

70. What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
Chocolate or strawberry.

71. Are you lazy?
*yawn* Mmhm.

72. What are your favourite colours?
Red and black.

73. What is your favourite band?
DM. Opened my eyes at 13 to what music could also be. (Obscure Answer iz Obscure)

74. How many wisdom teeth do you have?
I have any? Noes! Make them go away!

75. Do you want everyone to answer these questions?
Do onto others what has been done to you.

76. What are you listening to right now?
Birds chirping outside.

77. Last thing you ate?
I iz eating a pear.

78. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Erh... my little sister, I think.

79. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
That they're of the opposite sex. :D

80. Favourite thought provoking song?
............ can I come back to this one?

81. Favourite thing to hate?
No hate in me. Only Teh Lulz -- Twilight.

82. Favourite drink?
Starts with a T. Ends with ea.

83. Favourite zodiac sign?
I don't have an opinion on them.

84. What is your favourite sport?
Synchronised swimming! Seriously. Mind you, strictly to watch.

85. What is your hair colour?

86. Eye colour?

87. Do you wear glasses?

88. Siblings?
Got a big sister and a little sister.

89. Favourite month(s)?
June and July.

90. Do you like sushi?
Haven't tried it. I want to though.

91. Last thing you watched?
....... I am watching things all the time. ;P

92. Favourite day of the year?
.......I don't know. My birthday? Material things do make me oh so happy.

93. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
I probably am.

94. Summer or winter?
Summer. But not too hot.

95. Kisses or hugs?
Why can I only have one? :(

96. Relationships or one-night stands?
I'd like relationships, please.

97. Who is the most likely to answer these questions?
That someone who feels like torturing her/himself, like me.

98. Who is the least likely to answer these questions?
That someone who has already answered them, like me.

99. Create your own question! Whoo!
Why is it always the woman who snuggles up to the guy in movies after they have had sex? Why is it never the other way around?

100. Is anyone in love with you?

And there you have it. No more meme for a while.

meme: c'est moi

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