Short and sweet

Feb 16, 2012 01:19

• Link: I love the Swan Queen fandom. Here's just one reason why: I Won't Say I'm In Love - Regina/Emma fanvid. Cracked me up!

• Link: I've never watched Boardwalk Empire, but this fanvid is just... awesome. Awesome covers it nicely. It's all about the women and female agency and fuck yeah! The editing is flawless as well: Daddy I'm Fine. Seriously, check it out.


Here's the summary:

Glee. 3.13: Heart.

Okay, before we get started with the gifspam, let's talk about the other stuff: Riley did an awesome job with "I Will Always Love You" - no doubt about that. "Let Me Love You" and "Cherish/Cherish" were quite good covers. Didn't really care for the other songs. The God Squad - erh.... yeah, no. Finchel marriage - oh please god no. Kurt and Quinn were the only reasonable people in the club following the announcement.

Yep, let it be known that I'm an unapologetic Kurtofsky friendshipper - I just want them to work things out and be besties; I find their dynamic ten times more interesting than anything Klaine has had to offer thus far, so. Yeah, my two cents.

And now onto the Brittana spam!

D'awww! Also, kind of looks like a HeMo improv, doesn't it?

Look at that smile! <3

Kissing her hand and having people serenade her girlfriend - you bet Santana got laid several times this night!

And... *~drumroll~*

Here ya go: the kiss!

Lol, and now we probably won't get anything which looks like another kiss for the rest of the season. Or ever again, really. Weepz.

LET ME NOM NOM YOUR FACE! Okay, I love how Santana just tilts her head and waits - and lets Brittany kiss her. Cute! <3

Oh, and a video of the kiss in slow motion. You're very welcome. ;)

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, fandom: glee, fandom: once upon a time, otp: songbird, ... rec [fanart/fanvid], otp: trueloveskiss

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