pic meme from chartre :D

Aug 22, 2009 21:41

Comment with something like "I want a person too" and I'll give you one :D

Also, happy birthday nutty_a_hermit ♥ ♥ ♥ Maybe this can be your birthday gift? ;) But I really wish you all the best. I'm glad that we've had an opportunity to meet and I want to tell you that you're an amazing person and I hope you'll stay this way. All the best in your studies, job and relationship, bb ♥

Idek why I did it like that. I remember seeing a picspam like this I really liked the idea XD But I had a lot of free time and it was kind of fun :P I also cheated a little, because I can't choose just one picture per theme D:

1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.

2. Choose a picture of your person eating.

3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.

4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.

5. Choose a picture of where you would have sex with this person.

<6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person. omg, so many outfits. Strange, considering how Ryo usually dresses himslef :P

7. Choose a picture of your person smiling.

8. Choose a picture of your person half/naked.

9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.

10. Choose your favorite picture of this person. i'm really sorry! I have way too many favourite Ryo pics...

!public, spam spam spammy spam, cherish the elders, may cause side effects, the ultimate ryo machine, it's yu from you!, omg picspam, the magic of meme, someone please stop me

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