Mar 18, 2012 02:00
Jaejoong = Gay/Bi (in my eyes)
I had a huge fight with a friend the other day, which just makes me laugh of how such a stupid topic made us both get so angry.
We started with ''How me and my friend would love to go to south america one day'', it then turned to JYJ went there and had a great concert, and then the ''Jaejoong looks really girly''. started. My friend was talking about how a lot of fan girls would like Jejung to be gay but she disagrees (she doesn't know I'm gay). Then I said that he already was. Then it turned into a huge CAT fight. It's stupid, I know.
But for fucks sake. Ok I get it, maybe I'm wrong. But I believe I'm fucking not. That man is gay in my eyes! Everything around he says gay! Yeah he can probably be bisexual too but dude come'on! That man made me get fucking horny back in his mirotic times! And he still can! I mean no offence, just so you know. I love his talent and his personality even much more, but theres no way that Jaejoong and straight is going to come out of my mouth in a single sentece.(oh wait it already did...) No but really. That guy can HONESTLY turn any guy gay. Like really. And I dont doubt that theres some of his friends that have developed strange feelings for him, I don't doubt it.
And yeah I know, he didn't look that girly in ''Protect the Boss'' But seriously. Bi or Gay. One of both. No ST8. Nope.
The way he looks, the way he talks. It can all be the result of been around 9?? girls almost all his life. But yeah, I don't think this will ever change my opinion. Bash me if you want Crazy-I-will-marry-jae-one-day-fan-girls.