A dream...or something like it

Oct 23, 2004 01:27

Dreams...what are they? Are they truly the representations of our innermost thoughts and desires? Or are they just figments of our imagination? One dream in particular has imbedded itself in my memory...

...As I get off the bus that took me to the Harvard campus, the first person I encounter is my best friend Mark. "What are YOU doing here?" I ask him. And his reply was that he attended this college after transferring here from College of Staten Island. You need a 3.8 Grade Point Average in order to be even considered for acceptance into this college. I was very impressed with Mark and at the same time I was very jealous because I was rejected. As we walked up to the frat house that Mark lived in we ran into the person whom I came to visit at this college, my other best friend Mike. At this point Mark had to go. Mike said that I was early this year; he said I usually visited him after he finished at least one year in the college. He was a freshman at the Harvard Law School. So as I sit down with Mike to enjoy a cancer stick (cigarette for all you non-hip people), a Harvard student comes up to us and starts making fun of me saying that I am not smart enough to get into this school. I get very angry at his remarks and inform him that I attend West Point, which is a very prestigious military academy. He then tells me that I am as intelligent as I claim to be, then I should have no problem completing a word puzzle. I accepted his challenge and started doing it. (I would like to point out as to how real this dream was, I was actually able to READ the words in the puzzle. I know that the hemisphere of our brain that controls our dreams is NOT the same one that is responsible for reading. Will someone please explain this to me?) As I continued to do this puzzle for what seemed like half an hour, it occurred to me that the more of the puzzle I completed, the more it seemed to have remaining. At this point, Mark made his presence known yet again. He then followed to say,” I was done with that puzzle in under two minutes." This hurt me ego tremendously. Now we decided to go eat. As we get up, Mike's girlfriend shows up. Now for the last 3 years, Mike's girlfriend was Belinda, but the girl who came up was not Belinda but some other girl. (A girl whom I have seen in Mike's circle of friends in real life.) I ask Mike what happened to Belinda and his response was "New school, new girlfriend." I told him that that did not sound like the Mike that I knew. As we are walking to the nearest restaurant, we see several cop cars rush past us. When we look back, we notice a college student being dragged out of the frat house and into a cop car screaming, “End the war and free the people!" It was a moment straight out of the 1960's. As the cops rush past us I hit the floor ducking behind a parked car and start emptying my pockets of the enormous amount of drugs that I am carrying on my person. As we arrive at the restaurant, MP humvees and two MP Apache helicopters surround us. They put handcuffs on me at gunpoint, informing me that I am going to be court-martialed for treason. Apparently when I left West Point in the middle of the night, it seemed like I was deserting my post. As I was running through the snow filled streets to the bus station, I was spotted getting on a greyhound bus by a West Point instructor. As the MP started to drag me away, I see Irena running to get to me but she is still very far away. I see her lips move and I read a silent "I love you!" But alas, I don't hear the scream, instead I hear a "Viktor, it's time to get up."

My brother woke me up from the most lucid dream of my entire life. If anyone can enlighten me as to what this dream might mean, please do so, because, personally, I am at a loss.
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