I was tryin’ to think of something to do for a ‘fandom post’, cuz I wasn’t sure my cool flyer for Ryoga and Jun’s yaoi video would count. Easiest and most popular thing around here looks like posting fanart, but the stuff I came up with is either really
boring or
really gross or both. And even though I don't know most of you people, I don't wanna subject you to the horror that is my fandom's fanfiction. No, trust me. It's awful. Take my word for it.
SO INSTEAD I put together this ‘info’ post on my fandom, just in case some of you HAVEN'T heard of it. Which is doubtful. But this is easier than writing 'drabbles' or taking picture requests, because I can't draw. Or write. English + art = not my thing. Sorry.
Some of this stuff I wrote myself, some I stole from websites because I'm lazy. You should be able to tell what I wrote, but just in case I'll bold it. What I write is what you should really be paying attention to, because it's more important and sometimes websites LIE.
On a training journey in the Bayankala Mountains (Bayan Har Shan) in the Qinghai Province of China, Ranma and his father, Genma Saotome, fell into the cursed springs at Jusenkyo (loosely translated, it means Springs of Sorrow) trained and stuff and nothing bad/abnormal whatsoever occurred. Actually, Ranma got pretty awesome at martial arts during this time, though he'd always been awesome at martial arts, if possible, he got better. Oh yeah, and in this area there were some unimportant springs. Each spring is associated with a story about someone or something that drowned in it hundreds or thousands of years ago, and anyone who falls in a spring is cursed to turn into whatever drowned in that spring whenever they come in contact with cold water, although they keep their original minds, personalities and skills in the new form; hot water reverts the cursed to their original form. Genma fell into the Spring of the Drowned Giant Panda, and Ranma fell in to the Spring of the Drowned Girl laughed hysterically all the way back to Japan.
Upon returning to Japan, Genma informs Ranma that he has been engaged to a girl an ape that he has never met when only a few blocks away from that girl's ape's house. At the same time, Soun Tendo tells his three daughters that one of them is to marry Ranma (whom they have never even heard of from tales spreading all throughout asia of his unbeatable martial arts techniques) in order that the Tendo dojo might be carried on. When they first meet Ranma, they see him in his female form and immediately fall in love. This causes some confusion until Akane Tendo sees Ranma in his male form (after walking in on him in the bath) and finds out that he becomes a she upon application of cold water The two older sisters push the engagement on the youngest sister, Akane, since she "hates boys" (due to the rude ways they treat her at school fact that she's a lesbian), "and Ranma is half girl" too much for her to handle. Thus begins the lovehate relationship between Ranma and Akane that lasts for the rest of the series.
This, combined with multiple suitors for both Ranma and Akane, many strange forms of martial arts, and the various curses of many of the cast members, makes this a bizarre series.
Me. Ranma Saotome. Age 16. Martial artist. Wikipedia says I have a very large but easily wounded ego but don't believe them. It's only as big as central Tokyo and has a shell made out of solid steel. "He can come across as petty, insensitive and arrogant, as he is prone to cheat or give insults, often acts out of unthinking selfishness, and is a frequent braggart. However much of the above is caused by awkward immaturity." He's also very self-sacrificing when he needs to be. Ranma is also an excellent martial artist. He is able to learn techniques very quickly and has mastered many different styles. He is very competitive and rarely loses a fight (on the rare occasion that he is bested he always gets revenge later on). Ranma also has a (somewhat) sensitive side, and he actually does have strong feelings of dislike for Akane even though he would never admit it.
Fiancee number 1, Akane Tendo. Very annoying. Very uncute. Looks a lot like an ape, especially when angry. Also has body of buff 12 year old boy. Enjoys trying to beat me up, acting like a lesbian, and being completely oblivious to the real identity of her stupid pet pig. Most troublesome girl of the bunch. No one likes her, except Ryoga. And Kuno. But they're stupid and like boyish looking girls. Akane has a very violent temper and often has tried to injured Ranma, but on the otherhand, Ranma seems to bring it on himself quite often. Akane is very nice to others unless provoked. She loves her pet pig, P-chan (which she has no idea is really Ryoga) that she found in her room one night, and often allows him to sleep in her bed, which irritates Ranma only because Ranma hates stupid perverts and for no other reason at all.
This is my pops, Genma Saotome. He turns into a big fat panda when splashed with cold water, and isn't as good of a martial artist as me but comes pretty close since he did a lot of my training. As a panda he doesn't talk so he holds up signs and you don't wanna know where he keeps getting them. Really. Uh, in his panda form he has rabies, so as ADORABLE as some people might think he looks he's real dangerous. His blubber might crush you, too. Most of Genma's time is spent sitting around the Tendo home playing Go with his best friend and fellow old geezer Soun. But despite this, Genma is a talented martial artist though no where near as talented as his awesome son. Genma often engaged Ranma to other girls in exchange for food because he's a selfish asshole. Like Soun, Genma was trained by Happosai and is also very terrified by his former teacher for no real reason except he's a huge wuss and lacks a spine.
Akane, Nabiki, and Kasumi's pop. Best and only friend of Genma's, because he's the only one weird enough to like a thieving, cowardly half panda freak. I don't really mind him, he's not that bad, except he's half the reason I'm stuck with Akane. Soun is somewhat over-emotional and cries often like a sissy girl or Ryoga. He cares about the future of his children, and wishes the best for them, which consequently leads to him getting involved when his daughters wish he wouldn't. A good example of this would be he and Genma deciding to engage Ranma and Akane whether they liked it or not and they really didn't. Also his mustache looks kinda Hitler-esque sometimes. Not much to say about him.
Not much to say about her either. Kasumi Tendo, oldest of Soun's daughters and least annoying. Great cook. Impossible to hate. Real portrayal of how a girl SHOULD be. Gentle. Nice. Polar opposite of manly Akane. Kasumi is always very calm and often takes care of the bumps and bruises Akane and Ranma suffer. She is very kind and nurturing, but as Soun has said, she is often taken for granted by the family that she so lovingly cares for not including me. She seems to be a source of inspiration for Akane, who envies Kasumi's feminine nature and cooking skills. Too bad Akane hasn't even approached femininity. Also is holding a creature of Satan in this picture, which is -10 points.
Nabiki Tendo, middle child and sister of Kasumi and Akane. Second most annoying. Material girl living in a material world. Is useful sometimes, like when you wanna sell a tape of Ryoga and another boy doing obscene things. Great business woman, her only positive trait. Tried to make me lose a fight to Ryoga because she had money and bets riding on him. Fail. But next to Akane, is completely likable. Possibly the only girl Kuno DOESN'T like, however. Nabiki has no qualms about selling out her friends or family to make a little money. She has engaged herself to Ranma in order to make money from Akane slkmvkslmkvlslkm. This often casts Nabiki in a negative or greedy light, but she occasionally does have sincere feelings about her sisters, and hints at desperately missing her mother. A master manipulator, Nabiki's eye is always on the bottom line and her plans never backfire. OK, I don't like her anymore.
Best looking one in the bunch. Ryoga Hibiki, aka the guy that hates me for no real reason at all. Looks a lot like a horse. No sense of direction. Ends up in north pole when trying to go from kitchen to living room. Fails at life. Angsts and cries a lot. Wears ladies underwear underneath his clothes. Is my rival apparently. After Ryoga was late to his final showdown with Ranma, due to his horrible sense of direction, he followed Ranma to Jusenkyo, and was accidentally knocked into the "Spring of Drowned Black Piglet" (by Ranma as Ryoga later discovered) not my fault. Once Akane found him in this form, she adopted him and gave him the name P-chan (meaning Pig Cute). Akane's affection for P-chan is what began Ryoga's undying and pathetic love for Akane. Ryoga tries many times to tell Akane of his feelings for her, but he never seems to muster the courage because he's a wuss. Yeah, really does look like the picture. Ryoga is Ranma's biggest rival, and no matter how many times he has lost to Ranma, they have all been very close battles. Lies. Ryoga is almost Ranma's equal and is constantly improving his abilities to stay at the same level as Ranma and hopefully gain enough courage to tell Akane how he really feels about her. Not.
Shampoo, crazy Chinese Amazon and fiancee number 2. Because she has a journal and can read all of this: Prettiest one of the three. Don't kill me. Talks in broken Japanese. Cooks really well. Constantly trying to drug me with things to take advantage of me. Has zombie from Jurassic period as a grandma. Shampoo first met Ranma when he (at the time a girl) and Genma ate a large feast which was intended for Shampoo. Ranma then quickly beat Shampoo in order to win the first prize meal. At this point Shampoo was very angry about her humiliating loss and gave Ranma the "Kiss of Death," a promise to track him to the ends of the Earth until she could kill him. But then somehow she stopped hating me and through some weird turn of events we were engaged. Not sure which situation was better honestly.
Ukyo Kuonji. Fiancee number 3. Yeah, her weapon is a spatula. Another engagement that was not my fault. Thought she was a guy at the time. Also a great cook. Makes okonomiyaki. Has own restaurant. Easiest one to deal with, doesn't try to beat me up as much. Ukyo Kuonji is one of Ranma's oldest friends, and was his second engagement after Akane. Genma and Ukyo's father made a deal that in exchange for the Kuonji family Okonomiyaki cart, Ukyo would become Ranma's fiancee what a genius idea except not really. When Genma offered Ranma, then just a small child, which he would rather have, okonomiyaki or Ukyo, Ranma responded "okonomiyaki". This prompted Genma to take the cart and leave Ukyo all alone. But poor adorable young Ranma had no idea Ukyo was a girl so that affected his decision. Maybe. Years later, Ukyo found Ranma and tried to take her revenge but was beaten. After a quick match Ranma discovered that his childhood friend, whom he lovingly called Ucchan, was really quite a cute girl SURPRISE. He was very kind to her to make up for his father's desertion years earlier, and Ukyo quickly fell in love with Ranma all over again. Yeah, no clue why either.
Man this is getting long. jnfveklfls,kdmsvjn. Just a few more people left I swear. Though if you wanna stop reading now, it's OK. They're not significant anyway.
DISGUSTING, PERVERTED OLD LECHER. Name's not important. Steals girls underwear and bras and has no problem with coping feels. PAIN IN THE ASS. Sucks at martial arts. Is no competition. NO OTHER INFORMATION IS NEEDED.
Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard. Retard.
Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho. Psycho.
Yeah, I kinda didn't bother with the last three, but they're not really important. So.
And that's it.