Jan 12, 2008 04:15
Drue got a new heater, yay. That with the inscense and my prescription for a more organized room has made the apartment livable (if not comfortable). The new DVDs and I-Pod Boom-box however DO make it comfortable. Besides the manufacturers of this device and me refering to it...who uses the term boom-box anymore? So 1980's...
My computer is being fixed, slowly, but....no not surely....but it's being actually fixed this time so I'll accept a single adjetive this time round.
Textbooks are expensive. Food is expensive. Shit is expensive. *Sigh*
Having a girl-friend rocks. Having Katie rocks. Having a girl-friend who is Katie rocks so hard the neighbor's complain. Hehe.
Seeing that none of my non-Depaul friends (minus Drue) have met Katie despite having winter break...rocks not so much. WTF?
I started classes early January unlike a lot of other non-quarter people. I'll say this, cause its late and the music video i've been downloading finally finished, the following things rock....
1. Having a history class where 60% of my evaluation is showing up to play various board games....is fucked up....but amazing
2. When 25% of that classes grade is from teaching people how to play Pokemon cards
3. Being in two english major classes...full of english majors... which have reminded me
3A) English Major's are opinionated and never stop talking about their opinions
3B) English Major's rarely hang out together because of 3 and 3A
4. Being in a "Science" class where I get credit for sitting behing a computer for four hours a week chilling on Facebook...and occasionally doing HTML.
5. HTML is easy as Paris Hilton.
6. HTML has more practical application than Paris Hilton
7. I have three day week-ends mother fuckers! Wooooooooooooooooot!
Zak, my partner in crime, and I will be premiering our DePaul "Poetry Underground" showcase at the end of this month. It will be a spectacle. Dates and venues are getting confirmed, word is being spread, and acts are being prepared. Time to take what I learned from Spiff and make it bigger, better but perhaps not more on fire (sorry Joe).
I am a hungry hungry hippo.
Sleep is also good.
Sleep, then food. Good-Night.