So I have a couple of things to saaaaaaaay~
1. the volleyball tourney was today... I was totally late D: Emily and her crazy sister were retarded and gave us cruddy directions and blah blah, then of course blamed it all on us, so whatever, I just flowed with it, shrugging it off. But silently cursing herrrr DDDDDDDDD: Neways... I played with the #2 team... we have 12 players ... well more, but 12 were there... and we divided it into two teams, but it wasn't necessarily better and worse... so I played with the #2 team first, cause I missed playing with the first D: then the next two games I played with the #1 team, and I made a block and I felt all tall whoo lol XD; I think I got a kill or two... which was odd. I almost slammed my head into the wall too *fails* then the last game, I played with a totally different team, because they had already gotten kicked out of playing tomorrow, because the lack of players, so just to let them finish the first day, me and another girl (Josh's gf btw lol XD) played with them... which was fun XD; but really odd, cause we didn't know anyone there.
We lost all games though *fail* ^^;;;;;;;;;;;
2. Rihanna is now my crack D: I was listening with Brianne on her Ipod her cd that's out right now, and dood I want it D: They [her and her sister~] said they'd burn it along with the Gwen Stefani Sweet Escape cd XD~ so I'm happy <333 Rihanna is so pretty too D: while waiting to play today, someone had a 17 magazine and I was flipping through it and she wa sin it a couple times D:
oh oh oh~ They also had Harajuku Girls merchandise DDDDDDDDDDDDDD: I WANT SOME OF IT SO BAAAAD it's a little expensive though :/ I really like the purses (I think I'm getting addicted to purses...)
3. What was 3? I don't even know... oh. I have... no more space on my computer, at all anymore. *shame* I think I'm going to have to get rid of my Cartoon KAT-TUN episodes after I've watched the ones I haven't DDD: and maybe get rid of some of the doramas, putting them on my seperate harddrive DDDDDD: *sobs* and then I have no idea what else I'm going to do, cause I've already gone through, deleting what I don't want DDDDDDDD: I WANT IT ALL WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DELETE *sobs* I've had to forego downloading stuff because of that *sobs*
My KAT-TUN folder size still scares me something fierce XDDDDDDDDDD;;; I have so many random pictures... I'm thinking of... just saving my favorites and deleting them all D: cause I'm growing in my Scans department, and I like those kinds of pictures anyway, they're big, and amazing quality... D: the same goes for Dong Bang Shin Ki, that folder is getting to a scary size too... I tried to download their Rising Sun concert [yes the whole thing *shot*] and that's when I found out, nothing else would fit on my compy D: it was...devastating. Cause that Rising Sun file was probably the biggest thing I've ever tried to download *FAILS*
oh I remember the last thing:
I hate her. And everyone else should too.
There's a rumor that Jin's dating her *goes strangles something innocent* That smile she does... reminds me of Kiera Knightly *hates her more*