*sighs* this has to be fast.
here i am, wanting to get a wath for my birthday
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/HydroIllusion/mg040.jpg i bid before i leave to go to church, and before i even refresh the page, someone else has bidded on it, its happened... 4 times, and im just gonna let it go (its not really getting expensive, but i dont want to just go back and forth ~.~) so my hopes on that are shot. TT____TT
they have this one
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/HydroIllusion/mg041.jpgwhich is just as cool, and i can buy it now if i like (i hate bidding precicely for the reason above...) but its... expensive >.O i might just dump the whole idea *sighs*
then i have to check my mail and this goes on:
http://youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments&v=gvDQRjId4mo&fromurl=/watch%3Fv%3DgvDQRjId4mowtf people, im not drowning my ferrets, its raelly making me sick, and im probably just going to take the advice of the last guy and just stop posting comments. >.< i dont understand why im trying to be civil here and theyre calling me names and ARG i sound like a little kid right now, whining.
im just fed up with it all right now, and kinda demoralized TT__TT
i have something to say to him for the first comment he left, but the second.. i dont even know what to say to that and it really makes me mad.
im probably just being stupid
its just making me mad cause theyre overreacting for nothing.
*goes to mass*