Words are Cheap...

Dec 08, 2007 00:12

Looking back, guess it's been a long long time since I made an entry in LJ.

Yes, since Jul, a lot of things have happened in my life..career, love life and the movement of friends in and out of my life. Too fast, too abrupt and maybe they are the one evolving around me. Everything seemed so superficial. You may be having meals beside someone/group or some groups are having gatherings near where you are, or anything similar, and yet you felt no sense of familiarity which, maybe years have taken away the label called, 'Friendship'.

Excitment of being in love or simply feel happy could vanish instantly when the one person's heart changes or the good mood he had with you swung away. What left is just you. Just you...

You felt, the only thing you can control is your emotions, your thoughts, your perspectives of things. You seemed so helpless in seeking the constant positivity in a person. Maybe, this is called Life. Realism. Happy things never last...

Many a time we got affected by people around us, because we are sensitive, or maybe we care too much. We felt disappointed, with them and ultimately it eventuated with ourselves. We blame ourselves...

Guess, what I have learnt thus far is to be strong and seek the wisdom to control the things I could and just let the volatility of certain things run its course.
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