(no subject)

Jan 26, 2004 00:23

I'm lost in thought about the question of morality. Why is it that we do that which we know we OUGHT not to? Knowing full well, that if thought necessarily implies action, and action consequence.....
I dunno if my condition is more or less comparable to the imp of the perverse or descent into a maelstrom. Either way....morality, there's the rub.
If all human beings are intrinsically good, why does evil exist? One could say that evil is merely a lack of good. That in order to go from actuality into a higher domain of power, that of potentiality, there would need to be paradoxes in order to make that shift. A good scientist ALWAYS is in search of that which he/she does not know, rather than trying to confirm that which he knows. So why do people lie? Is it merely a defense mechanism? or just perverse.
and it's not that i don't feel remorse. the salt has already been added to my wounds by the mere testification of your declaring you can still love me despite all this....
which leads to my next question. what is a real frienship, how do you really get to know a person?
anything past this would just be aristotelian rambling. ugh.
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