Dec 29, 2009 22:52
I just got back from vising my family in Kansas. This is the family on my mother's side, who I hardly ever see. Or at least I only see them on average once every two years or so. This low rate of occurrence really makes me feel like I have to be really careful while I am there. The things that I do for the one week that I am there is going to completely form their opinion of me until we see each other again. So, little things like helping clear off the table after every meal, become huge. It's a strain. But it was still a pleasant visit. I think I am the only one who had a good time though. My sister was sick the entire time we were there and my mom and Michael fought almost the entire time. Can you guess what my family thinks of my mother's husband from that? Yeah. Not good.
Also, it is a strain to be in the closet there. I don't know when I'll tell them. Probably once I'm actually with someone seriously enough that it becomes an issue. I don't know how they will react. The family is fairly religious. I mean, we almost sang Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas for cripes sake. I never really noticed how religious the family was before.
Now, I am in Louisville. Which is nice. Things don't really change a lot here, so I'm always glad to come. It feels weird here though. I don't really feel like a daughter, more like a favorite cousin or neice or something like that. Not closely related but still family. But even that much is nice. I adore my step family.
That's just about it. No grades yet. But I'm sure they will start trickling in here before too long.
Happy Holidays!