Oct 05, 2005 19:32
Tofurky is an important part of the holiday. I don't know why, it just is. It's traditional. I would be very happy to have Tofurky this Thanksgiving.
But . . . Thanksgiving is on Monday and there is no Tofurky is Thunder Bay! I have looked high and low and I can't find it. I've asked stores to order it for me. "Turkey that isn't made of meat? Pssh, that would never sell." Believe it or not, I am not the only vegan or vegetarian in Thunder Bay. If you sell it, they will buy it. I will buy it!
I guess I can always do the tofu in a colander thing. If I can't find Tofurky by Saturday, I will.
You just can't have Thanksgiving without the Tofurky. My poor pregnant belly wants chewy fake meat, all full of that nice stuffing with giblet gravy to boot.
Thunder Bay makes me sad. I feel like leaving now. I had a nightmare last night that Matthew bought me tickets to visit Portland. I remember being on the bus, going through Colorado for some reason. I fell asleep on the bus and woke up in Portland and started crying, I was so upset. I didn't want to visit my friends in Portland, I just wanted to go back home to Canada and to my family. I remember not having my birth certificate with me. I woke up in the dream and begged Matthew to return the tickets, that I didn't want to visit the States, and he seemed so skeptical.
Someday we'll return home to Vancouver. We won't have to spend another Thanksgiving here, at least. I just don't know when that will be . . .