So -
callie89 sent me a lovely email in response to my request to join
qaf_repixed encouraging me to come out of the closet, as it were (cough) into the fandom. I've never been sure what to post in this journal since really, I don't think you guys would care about housing policy (which is what I do in RL) or that much about Chicago (which is where I recently moved back to) plus, I have to admit, I kinda like anonymity. But I will say that today is a fucking fantabulous fall day here and I spent last week organizing my stuff post-move so now I can go out on a nice long bike ride before we get snowed in. (Sniffle in thought - I miss the SF Bay area TERRIBLY and I haven't lived there for three years).
'Cause I'm shy but want to be one of the coolkidz, I will continue with the babysteps. Tomorrow, I will learn how to use icons (and try not to blush when I use fandom-appropriate ones). Really. I'm pretty shy about this perv thing.
Thank you for teh luv...