Jul 24, 2008 13:47
I have found a new house!!! Yesterday me and one of my housemates went and checked out a house that was up for lease, and then we applied and got it straight away and will sign the lease on Saturday.!!!!! I am so happy to not be looking for a house anymore. The house is a bit old and shitty, for anyone who saw my old collingwood house, its just slightly less run down than that one. But its affordable (2 years ago i would have said it was too expensive, but now its one of the cheapest up for rent on the north side within a 8 or so kms of the city), and only 2 streets away from my current house. And its got an awesome summer party yard. I have to go back to work now ...... my 30 minute break has been going for about 50 so far. ANyway, the lease starts on the 8th of august, and we have to be out of my old house by the 19th, which works perfectly.