Jun 11, 2004 23:49
Alrighty so i have not updated since the dance and that was a long time ago.So i will try to do an over view of the few weeks i kinda missed due to the fact i hate grabbing my as$ out of bed just to update a dumbas$ journal.Please i don't even greet everyone in my house once a day so why should i update my journal everyday.Its not like something worth telling the world happens everyday.My life isn't like Bridgget Johns'.(SP?)
Ok so we finished the school year.whoo hoo i am finally done w/ the thing they call middle school.thank god!three years confined in a place full of geeky guys who have no chance ever getting laid is good enough for me.great now i get to go to a place where there are some hott guys but those very same geeks now think they have a chance with you just because we havn't seen each other in a whole summer.Wow two months...big deal.Anyway i got a lot of pictures except i have no idea of who anyone is or even what the pictures look like.Thats because i lent nelson my digital camera and she took over 56 pictures including one of the really hott guy in the mall right before security asked us to put it away.At least i know who was in that picture i just wish i saw his name tag so i could label it with his name. only one problem i haven't found my usb cable.Now for all of yall who haven't spent a good deal of their life in a Comp USA(thanks dad) that is the one thing i need to hook my camera up to my computer to import the pictures.So for a review no usb,no pictures.
Since we all finished middle school we are all departing into separate parts of the valley.Few are going to Palo with me.Most are going to cimmeron(SP?).And a handfew are going to each magnet schools. So i want to just name a few people off the top of my head who i will miss and hope to stay close to.
Tayla~~My gosh i will miss you so much.You were so much fun to hang out with in science.You may have been the only way i could of stood our table with brandon and Trevor.~Your boy better treat you well if he doesn't call me and i will beat the crap out of him for you.~
Mike~~~Now i know you and i talk all the time but why did you have to go to A-tech???I feel as if we didn't really connect last year even though we spent a good half of the day together, and we got closer this year.You better keep playing gunbound because you are getting really good.Hey who knows with your progression, you may actually outrank me.~Always remember THE MIKE you will never know when i will appear behind you and scream "everyone do the mike!"~
Deandra~Finally someone is coming to Palo with me.So there isn't a real reason you are in here since we have only been out a week and we have already hung out.Though if i didn't you would call and wake me up early just like today.LOL~cooboo, booboo no real difference~
Everyone in pubs(Jordan,Dustin,Adam,Christina,Casey,Vanessa,Jessi,Chelsea,Chris,Dorit,and Autumn)~Y'all have been a blast to spend 6th period with. We may have gotten yelled at a few times but both our newletters and the yearbook came out great.Ya some people didn't like parts of the book but they just don't know the time,effort,and hard work we all put into it.(yes even Jordan.lol)~Always remember that 50 something tootsie rolls in the mouth and markers are just one step away from a extrememly bad head-ach~
Alex D.~~~I think that neither one of us would of passed Algebra 1 honors without each other.We helped each other out so many times i can't even remember .The first thing we would always ask each other as we stepped into 1st period was"did you do your homework?"
~i have no idea what you are doing,going to A-tech or moving but i hope we never forget each other!~
Alex V.~~~I don't think I would of gotten out of geography without your help.You and i were the only student who would not laugh at Mr.Fenton's lame as$ jokes and also dreamed that we could ring his neck evertime we would be talking about swedin one second and the next golf.We always had eachother's back even when we didn't even relize it.If i didn't do an assignment you did and if you didn't i did. we had a system that beat everyone else's except steven who was(but didnt try to)mr. Fenton's favorite.
~I don't think i would have ever learned how to sleep and make fake notes if not for you.
Alright Write later
P.s. Rhonda you dont even fit in these things. I know i will never forget you!