Title: Fan boy
Characters: Hyde, Anis [Monoral], Megumi
Words: 250
Notes: so, the idea popped up when I went with
grabarz for a beer and I told her about my frustration with buying HP 7, and she reminded that Hyde is a Harry Potter fan too and that probably he is reading the new book already, and I noticed that he probably has problems with reading it since it's in English xD.
if you don't know, Anis is said to be Hyde's friend who helps him with translating/writing lyrics in English and generally with English.
so we had a nice Hyde & Anis goodnight reading session idea xD.
Hyde had been waiting for this for long, long time and now it was finally out. The excitement was hard to restrain and he could feel it twisting his stomach and gripping his throat tightly. He could barely keep tiny squeaks of thrill from escaping his mouth as the story was unfolding in front of him. Hyde was a damn Harry Potter fanboy and there was nothing to be done about it.
Anis’ tired face looked up at him from the pages filled with English text.
“Maybe it’s enough for today?” he suggested hopefully. “It’s already past midnight, Hyde…”
He had had to go with Hyde to buy the new book as soon as it was on sale and now he was stuck with him, reading it and translating out loud into Japanese for the small vocalist to understand. Anis never really cared about J.K. Rowling’s writing, but at the moment, he hated Harry Potter from the bottom of his heart.
“So what?” said Hyde in impatient tone. “You can’t really stop in such a moment! Go on, go on.”
Anis sighed heavily and carried on with the book. He had to raise his voice a little to overcome the loud banging on the door and Megumi’s muffled screams:
“Hideto, open the door! Do you here me? What the hell are you two doing there? Open the fucking door, right now! I have nothing against homosexuality, really, I won’t divorce you! Just open the door and let me watch!”