Songa Rafting (Creepy) Adventure

Jul 14, 2009 01:21

Last Saturday, Pre-print department of my company had a trip to Songa, Probolinggo. I, who's in another department, was invited. Most of the them are men, so I was gonna refuse it at first. But after having second thought, I decided to go. I'm glad I didn't turn down the invitation because I had a lot of fun.

We departed by bus at 1 AM from the office. The 48 people arrived in Probolinggo around 4 AM. We got off the bus and walked to the cottage. The road to the cottage is narrow so bus can't go through. It was nearly pitch black when we walked down the road that heads to the mountain. The deeper we walked, the darker it got. All we saw was trees.

After walking several hundred meters, a friend asked me, "Nee-san, don't you think we're heading to the wrong direction? The last time we went here, I don't think we walked this way. I remember seeing houses while we don't see any right now." Okay, I started to get scared. The darkness surrounding gave me creepy feeling. People started mumbling about how dark it was and whether we walked the right way.

Suddenly we heard a howl. One, at first, and another, and another. Another one, continuosly.
Oh shi*t, I whispered. I think my friend was right, we headed to the wrong way. It seemed that we were heading to the forest instead.

Someone started panicking, demanding the other to call my boss who booked us the cottage. He didn't join us due to private matters. While someone trying to contact my boss, we went back because -I swear- that howl was extremely creepy.

Thank God there was a local resident who was still awake. We managed to arrive safely at the cottage. Because the main event, rafting, would be around 8-9 AM, we had a rest.

I couldn't sleep properly because I was impatient to go rafting. It wasn't my first time but still, the excitement when the boat sails always gives me an indiscribable sensation.

I woke up at 6 AM and started packing up my stuffs.

In front of the cottage room where we stayed overnight *for 2 hours or so, actually*

We got bored waiting for the guys who haven't woken up yet so yeah, we took picture. It might not visible but the background scenery is extremely beautiful. All you can see is trees with a small river below. From left, the copy editor trio Frido, Dewi, and Bekti. Next are the advertising department girls, Hani, Anis, Xave, and me.

Because one is not enough... The first I saw this pic, I got scared. I looked so pale, like a walking zombie >___<

Right before departing to the start point. We were transported by three old pick-up cars. I felt like a cow that will be sent to the butcher.

The girls... Look at my eyes. I was so sleepy because I can barely sleep.

We stopped in the middle of the journey just to take a picture of "air terjun lawa" (bat's waterfall), a beautiful spot. We had to go through the waterfall. It hurt when the water hit my body. If the water didn't stink due to bat's faeces, I wouldn't have any complain.

We were trying hard to go through the big rocks. Both boats were stuck.

Another stop. After rowing several kilometers, we took a rest, ate fried banana and drinking hot ginger. From left to right, Yudi, my layouter Rizal (only half of his face is seen), Tatang, Xave, me, Anton (in pink helmet), Iwan Iwe the cartoonist (front, holding blue glass), and Ali.

Finally, reaching the goal!

That was fun. Eventhough it's my 5-6 times rafting there, I was still excited. It didn't rain plus this is dry season so the water level is low. We could see clearly the rocks. When I went rafting there around 5 years ago, it rained quite hard so the stream was strong and water level was high.

I hope we can have fun like that again in the near future. Everyone is excited and they want to go rafting again. And if they invite me again, I'd gladly accept the invitation. Thanks guys!

songa, rafting, adventure, probolinggo

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