Something I digged up from the depths of my journal...7 years ago. o.O; I just felt like giving it another go:
1. Post the names of 20 of your favorite musicians. --> I'll slightly reduce the number, but some will have multiple songs instead...XD
2. See who can guess which is your favorite song by each. --> Hah, now this is where it get's interesting. ♥
3. Once someone guesses right, bold that row and include the song
--> For everyone who hits it - I'll answer one question about a thing you always wanted to know about me, the music, the world or whatsoever...
My favorites:
00. D'espairsRay (3 songs)
01. L'Arc-en-Ciel (3 Songs)
02. Kiyoharu
03. SADS (2 Songs)
04. Kuroyume (2 Songs)
05. Hyde
06. Buck-Tick
07. Merry
08. Luna Sea (2 Songs)
09. Muse (3 Songs)
10. Radiohead
11. David Bowie