september movie time

Sep 10, 2016 22:35

tiff started. it's taking up my weekend.
realised i'm tired enough from it already after 2 days i better note the movies i've seen before forgetting them completely...

started yesterday with Free Fire.
If you want an action film with a fun female character and shock full of believable character reactions that is essentially an hr long full out shootout/gun fight, i highly recommend this! added fun: try to place the background of each character based on all their distinct accents!
also i was glad to have a chance to watch one of the midnight madness films (premiered thurs. night, this was the 2nd screening)

also friday, watched Carrie Dilby. suuuuuuuuper 2-d stereotyped characters, but cute romcom nonetheless. just don't expect substance even though the main char is supposed to be some child prodigy genius. it's more like we are just told that throughout the film without proof. as my friend said, every char. is super pretentious XD

and then today i got 2 films as well. first was Colossal. Really interesting take on the monster movie genre, but with added bonus of psychopathic and otherwise dysfunctional main characters that may or may not get their lives more on track due to the events of the film? (it's kind of ambiguous, a bit more like reality in that way)
also watched it feeling really sad for the Seoul portrayed in the film, because it's a little different seeing a city you've actually been to get all destroyed...

and finally, stayed till the end of Barry (dramatisation of part of obama's college years). Was really well acted, and i loved the mood/atmosphere of all the settings, there was some fun lighting effects to really set the mood of the time period/etc. dunno how much of an existential crisis the real man went through during that age, but it made for a good movie, seeing a guy on the cusp of trying to figure out his direction in life and thinking to yourself that he ended up finding a pretty good path for himself

got another day of movies tomorrow, then back to work till next saturday!

movie whoring and how!

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