Jun 04, 2012 11:06
so as a disclaimer, i have no idea where this dream came from, because the last thing i watched before bed was snowman takichannel :S
disclaimer 2: it involves a gory idea
so anyway, this really was a full movie i dreamt last night. started off with me waking up from some kind of long sleep (coma maybe? or i was sick?) - basically similar to the first episode of the walking dead, i wake up and there's no people anywhere
i kind of forget the in between after that, but somehow i learn/realise that the world is full of what's called 'face-eaters' (disclaimer 3, i wasn't thinking about the word menkui either! that didn't cross my mind until just now lol), who are basically creatures who look like humans, but can actually smell a human when their face is uncovered, and go berserk and eat their face off (obviously killing them)
somehow i was trying to sneak into/infiltrate a group of face-eaters, but i got discovered and almost eaten, except i managed to escape from most of the mob and i think i ran into a house that was owned by a leader/respected one from the group-later on i started calling him doctor but can't remember if he was called that from the outset or my brain switched his name partway through
anyway, i think he captured me, but i managed to cover my head again and maybe fought him off enough that he didn't eat me. insert some story flow through of a decent period of time of my captivity, maybe i tried escaping? not sure. either way in a bit of reverse stockholm syndrome, he somehow controls his berserkness and starts to appreciate things humans do (like art/music...emotions...the usual cheesy stuff that makes humanity great ;) ) because of our interactions, and falls for me
buuut, of course all's not perfect since the group suspects his change and i think mob the house or something, not sure exactly what happened but i had to try escaping and got caught by the mob/group, and the doctor saves me but somehow we both become captives or get barricaded into his house i think.
eventually we hear news of a group coming in on ships (i guess this area was near water?) that we heard was a group of humans who were trying to save any, and somehow word of me got to them and they were coming to save me.
BUT! they arrive and we go out to them and it turns out they were face-eaters too - they were actually the opposite, saving face-eaters from humans!
so in a last bit of bravado, knowing i have no chance of escape, i tell the doctor whom i'd also come to love to kill me out of his love for me....and thus the movie ends as my vision fades from him tearfully going all creature berserk but still having the emotion of love and killing/eating me.
and then i had a dream that involved walking through a park on a nice warm day w/ a friend of mine and finding a random swimming pool. yup.
oh, final disclaimer: i also don't think this was influenced by that news story from florida or wherever about that guy going all zombie from a crazy drug trip. probably.
...someone should seriously take that dream and make a script out of it though. zombie(-ish) horror romance yo!
yume mimashou!