Jul 14, 2010 22:12
"What's this, boss?"
Chris looked up from his desk where he was trying to either put things in order or tear them to shreds. Sam was never quite sure anymore. "This is called a dictionary," he said, trying to be kind. Chris was the type of man that needed to be vaulted into the future twenty years or so in order to take advantage of word processors that could spell check his work for him. "I can't have you filing reports where you slip in a K and forget an E in crime!"
Chris looked confused, so Sam just left the book there for the other man to ponder over and Ray to ask, loudy, if there were nudey pictures for the entry for 'breasts' and 'cunt.'
Sam did not bother to inform him that the latter was most likely not in the dictionary, but he did not want to waste resources and man hours on the whole of the CID trying to find out if it was true or not.
"I think he likes it, Sam," a sweet voice piped up and Sam paused at Annie's desk to smile at her.
"Ought to have written an inscription then."
They had a good laugh before a rumble came from the office. Annie and Sam shared a small look. When the Gene Genie Volcano was rumbling, most people ran. But not Sam. It was his job to go and poke the angry beast, it seemed. "So what is it now, Guv? Did they discontinue your biscuits again?"