Title: Shadows Need Love, Too
Date: 100209-100309
Fandom: Persona 4
Rating: PG
Pairing: Very, very light hints at Souji/Yosuke (actually, it's pretty much anyone/Yosuke, but I imagined Souji); Namatame/Misuzu; Dojima/Chisato; one-sided Rise/Souji
Disclaimer: I don't own P4. I don't own the music. But I down own the shitty characterization! 8D
Feedback: Greatly appreciated~
Notes: One of the fills I've done on the Persona 4 Kink Meme (over at badbadbathouse.livejournal.com for those of you living under a Souji!rock)
Warnings: End game characterization taken into account. True Ending spoilers. You should expect these things by now. XD
Summary: The P4 kids love their music~
You like rock music.
You like pop music.
You like country music.
>You listen to whatever Yosuke listens to because he won’t let you be in charge of the radio.
Dude, Queen is the best band in the world. How can you not know that?! I mean, they have "Bicycle Race." "Bicycle Race!" That’s like, my theme song. "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my biiiiike~~~"
>Somewhere in the distance, a window breaks.
Hmmm… Music… Well, I would say something obvious like "Kung Fu Fighting," heh. But I don’t listen to stuff like that. Actually, I really like… Risette. Oh, I know it’s stupid and it’s weird now that we’re friends, buuut… Her music is just too cute!
>Chie blushes.
I really like Beethoven. There’s something about the way that he plays the piano that just… It’s so beautiful. The cooks play it in the kitchen, too. But… do you want to know a secret? Beethoven isn’t my favourite band. Cradle of Filth is.
>She seems embarrassed.
Music, huh? Yeah, I listen to some when I’m… helping Ma at the store. She likes Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. They’re not bad, y’know. Just not my thing. N-not that I like that sissy shit that Yosuke likes! I listen to, uh… metal. Yeah! Black metal…
>You aren’t convinced.
I don’t have time for music, besides my own. I just listen to whatever’s playing at the time or whatever my friends are listening to. Whose music taste do I like the best? Hmmm, probably Senpai’s! It’s so cool and up-to-date! Even I have to keep up!
>Rise giggles.
>Naoto sighs before beginning.
When I do listen to music, it’s usually… punk rock. Older punk rock. My favourite is probably Bad Religion. Their songs are crimson and indigo. It calms me, especially if I’m working on a difficult case. Colour? Why yes, I hear in colour. Is that odd?
I like listening to the music Sensei listens to! And the sexy songs, too~ Yosuke has some songs that make him…
>Teddie leans in closer.
… blush. Isn’t that funny?! Yosuke blushes when he listens to music! I bet the songs remind him of someone…
>Teddie winks.
Sometimes, Dad lets me listen to his CDs. But they’re not my favourites. This one girl in my class showed me Utada Hikaru’s and High and Mighty Color’s new CDs, though. They’re okay. But I really like Risette! Her music is the best!
>She giggles cutely.
What? Music? I don’t have time for that much anymore. Not with all these cases piling up. Huh? When Chisato was alive? W-well, yes. Fine. We danced to "I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You." The Elvis version. Happy? Now, I have some work to do…
>Dojima is embarrassed.
Oh, music, hmmm? W-well I rather like 50 Cent and other rappers, b-but don’t tell anyone, heh. It’ll be our little secret, okay? Just you… and me… And if you keep your promise not to tell anyone, then there’ll be something in there for you~
>You feel uneasy.
I never thought about which music is my favourite… I would always listen to Misuzu, but when we separated, I stopped. I guess things with a powerful message appeal to me. Something in hues of greens and greys, too. Yeah, something calming…
>Namatame is thinking. You decide to move on.
Music? Music?! You humans sure are an interesting bunch. What with your synth-pop shit on the radio and pounding beats that have hips moving in sexual ways. Music sure isn’t what it used to be, but if that’s what humanity decides is "cool," then I guess I have no say…
Uh, I kinda like… soundtracks. Y’know, when you go see a movie and you know right away that the songs just fit? Those. The soft songs make it easy to relax and the heart-pounding songs pump me up! And they always remind me of the movie I went to see.
The shadows like songs with pounding bass beats, swirling arrays of colours. Fast-paced, would-make-their-heart-pound-if-they-had-one music. They especially like the music that Yosuke has pulsing in his headphones… But every time they try to get close enough to listen, they’re met with a kunai. Shadows need love, too.