Friday is as good a day as any...

May 28, 2010 16:28

to post on LJ.

So here's my whining So I had an assignment due LAST Thursday but got a one week extension and then still didn't finish it. I called in, but skipped work and spent the entire day in the library yesterday. Class ended up being canceled so I went home round dinner time but have since lied to EVERYONE and said I emailed it to my prof. She had some sort of emergency so hopefully she won't notice that she hasn't gotten my assignment till I actually finish it.

Then there's the fact that I'm practically in love with a superior at work. (We'll call him Mike. It's like, the most common male name there is.) Ok, so I don't even really know him so I guess I can't really claim that I'm in love with him. I just have this huge crush and keep indulging in stupid and slightly obsessed fantasies. And he's not REALLY my superior. I work at my university and he's director of a completely different department. But I mean he's a DIRECTOR. I'm basically a glorified receptionist/customer service/ whatever else they need me for in my department. But then again, I don't even work with him, normally. It's only in summer term that our department and his have a temporary, shared, satellite location. He's not even here much, he's usually at his office halfway across campus. I looked him up in the directory so I'd know where it was. (I'm kind of a creepy stalker sometimes) I also subtly persuaded someone we work with into thinking it was his idea to check how old Mike is by abusing an internal university computer system. He's 36. That's 12 and a half years older than me! He only looks about 28, tops.
Well, ok, 30. But only when it's been a bad, circles-under-the-eyes-to-the-point-of-looking-like-guyliner-from-a-distance, "give me that fuckin coffee!", "why the hell is the best/closest campus pub closed for the summer?" kinda day.
I facebook stalked him and he doesn't appear to be married or even have a girlfriend, or anything. But that's facebook, and you never really know. He wears ripped jeans or khaki shorts and a t-shirt.
He's SO SO SO cool! 
He's into a lot of that early 90s music that I'm really into lately. He didn't notice my Soundgarden shirt that I wore mostly because I've noticed he usually drops by on Fridays. We had a really nice conversion and walked half of campus together last week. Probably only because we were headed in the same general direction anyways and he was probably just being polite. He didn't even say "hello" today. He usually makes an effort to at least wave or throw a "hey" in my direction. :(

I think that's enough for today. Let's move on to my real reason for posting. I've been having plot bunnies and I'm going to start work on what WILL be my first ever series. Well actually it's gonna be the first fic that I've ever shared
Stay tuned,
it will involve rappers and at least one grunge icon, maybe a few popstars, with possible Linkin Park and Anthony Keidis cameos.
It'll probably be a few weeks though...

boythoughts, fic ideas, thoughts

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