Apr 10, 2007 00:54
FINALLY saw 300 this evening. It was gorgeous - the colours, the framing, the editing, all that stuff that you don't notice unless it's really good or really bad. Oh, and the boys weren't that difficult to look at either. ;-D I really really needwant*crave* to see this again, but there's no way I'd be able to talk my bro into seeing it again. Hmmm, who can I bully into going to the cinema with me...Cousin Fi? Damn living in Scotland in the middle of nowhere!
Stelios/Astinos in my brand new OTP. I'm going hunting for fic in a min, and if there isn't any, I'm going to be extremely pouty. There is no way I am the only person who watched the film, saw the banter and the having each other's back in battle, and then thought to themselves 'they are so shagging'. This may even be the first time that I've seen the slash potential in something on the first viewing, without prior prejudice from some source. (Then again, all my fandoms are based on childhood things that I wouldn't have known to look for slash in at the time. Apart from the vague Dawson/Lewsey rugby slash bunny I was bitten by the other day, but am completely unable to write.)
Jebus, I hope there is fic. There's even built in angst/emo, given what happens to Astinos. Happy fic would be good, but hurty fic that makes me cry would be even better. My inner crybaby loves angst even more than my inner fat kid loves chocolate, and that is a lot. A LOT. So much so that my inner fat kid is wrapped in an inner fat teen, swathed in an outer fat chick. But I digress, and delay the hunt...