May 20, 2004 23:10
Hey, tonight and tomorrow if u look up at the sky at twilight or at night, u can see the planet venus next to the crescent moon. doesn't look like a planet per se, but looks like a star pretty much. Get ur binoculars and check it out if ur into that stuff. should be cool. it can only be seen today and tomorrow, so pretty much tomorrow is ur last chance!
today was a tiring day. not bad, just tiring. went to bed last night at about 3:30 just to wake up at about 6:00 get ready and get to pierce to do more lame ass research for my psych class.. got to pierce @ around 8:30 and did my thing until 9:50 and went to chem lab. i did all my lab work last night so i would get done early in lab and he would let me go early so i could work on my paper. well, turned out that he made me go on to step 2 of the experiment even though the whole class was on step 1 and wouldn't go to step 2 until next lab! damnit! punk won't let anyone out early... he will make something up just for u to do. got out of lab at 12:20 and rushed to the L.C. to start my paper that was due at 2:00!!!!! i tried, but i just couldn't do it on time and i was already exhausted. even poor samuel waited for me until i got done! poor thing was bored outta his mind! which may explain why he kept "fluffing" my arm as if it were a cushy-pillow and he'd put his head down in my massive arm lonjas! finally finished the paper at around 5:00 and went to the Ag department to print it out. ended up turning it in at about 5:20. hey, at least i got it done i guess.
but now, i'm just drained. sitting here and typing. how.. i don't know.
tomorrow should be fun. going to see walter do a piece at the dance show @ pierce tomorrow. oops! which reminds me. he called when i was working on my paper and i had sam answer cuz i didn't know who it was and i couldn't talk. sorry walter!
after the show... well... just don't know what can happen on a friday night! ha ha.. well, it IS flash friday! ha ha j/k ghetto. hmm.. torn b/t flash fridays and hump day.
well.. better go.. prolly going too bed now! write later! until then...