Can't wait for this to be over

Apr 26, 2005 20:22

I can't wait for this college shit to be over. I'm gonna miss my friends but that is what roadtrips are for. Right now it's gonna be all about me. I'm gonna do what needs to be done and that is get my future in order and get myself a job and hopefully it'll be the one I want. So what if I have to move. Just means a new chapter in my life is opening up. I'm just tired of being hurt or lead on and bullshit like that. Nothing is going to stand in my way...shit God knows I've been though alot and I am more mature then most my age. I've always bee that way I just choose not to let too many people know. I understand more then i should on alot of things cuz I've been there and done it got the fucking t-shirt. But it just seems tht people prejudge me alot and assume I oculdn't understand either because I'm 21 or that they assume I just never had that problem. If I didn't understand I would say something but more then likely I do. Just no one has that confidence in me. Then agian I never say anyhting either. I never let I know becuase no one gives me that chance so why should I open my mouth about it. If they wanna know I figure they would ask or try to talk to me. *shrugs* but hey what the hell do I know I'm only 21 or I just don't know what it feels like or I've never been there...ha yea right. Believe what they want I love the element of surprise when I do decide to open my mouth and see the look of shock on their faces.
Yea I do know more then you think and I'm smarter then I let on. Life didn't raise a fool and it sure did not make it all rosey for me either. I've been knocked down and beaten up and been made to crawl on my hands and knees but each time I wouldn't let it get me each time I got up and pulled through when there are times i really should have taken that fall harder then i did. I guess my will is stronger then even i think sometimes. I mean shit i should not be where i am today after some of the shit I've been through even my counsler said so. She is shocked I made it this far after what has been handed to me and that I can still keep my head up and keep fighting even though i feel I have nothing left. I always get a second wind from somewhere even at my lowest. she told me most people would have given up by now and she is glad I chose not to. I guess stubborness has something to do with it along with my will. i refuse ot be a puppet and get in line. Soon it'll be my time to rise and I'll show everyone who has ever doubted me..I love and live to prove people wrong. And I love to show them i know more then they thought.
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