Emotional roller coaster! Whee!

Dec 30, 2004 00:41

Um...yeah.  So this whole winter break so far has been building up to my epic drive to Tucson to be reunited with the boyfriend.  And I did that!  And it was scrumptious.  I got to meet Alexis and Jenna for IHOP, I got to hang out with his family which is always fun, his dad made me waffles again in the morning, it was great.  Then...it was time for him to meet my parents.

The emotional roller coaster was put into motion and you feel nervous and excited because you don't know what's going to happen.

They LOVE him!  Somebody, write this down or take a picture or something.  This is a first.  My mother hasn't fully approved of anybody I've dated ever in my entire life!  Yay!  I was beaming the entire time while he played MarioKart with me and my sisters.  Never been happier.

Emotional roller coaster:  Way, way up at the top.

Then, at work today I was really apprehensive and stressed-out.  I need to just go in there and reorganize that place, because I can't keep track of anything over there.  I just felt so frazzled.  I kick butt at the stock quotes and stuff, which is good because nobody besides Rob really knew how to do that so nobody could help me if I needed it, but my briefs, the actual journalistic aspect of my job, you know, the writing thing, the thing I want to do for the rest of my life, are considerably lacking.  It takes me forever to write a half-decent one, and today I had to write like six of 'em, as opposed to my usual three, which was terrible because I was on a deadline.  Whoo, stressful.  Plus I was feeling apprehensive and sluggish, and slightly distracted by the fact that Pax is leaving for Israel in like four hours.  I caught myself sighing heavily a lot, and I was in that kind of mood where you aren't happy, but you want people to think you're happy, so you have to force a smile, and it feels like it takes all the strength you have to not let people catch on that you're upset.  I don't like those moods.

My emotional roller coaster was doing that thing where it goes down so fast that you feel completely weightless.

After work, I met up with Pax and Kenny who were eating dinner at the Elephant Bar with Kenny's parents.  I like jumbalaya.  I have no idea if that's how you spell that.  Afterwards we milled around, went to Atomic Comics, and ate at IHOP.  I was happy, obviously, because I was with Pax, but I knew in the back of my head that I need to be savoring this time with him, and that I was going to have to say goodbye to him soon.  But it was still fun.

The roller coaster was back up again, but not as high this time.

Then, it was back to Kenny's.  I kissed Pax goodbye in the driveway out in the rain.  =(  He'll be fine, I know he will, and I'm really excited for him to go on this trip, but if I didn't like him being two hours away from me in Tucson, Israel is slightly farther away than that.  And I hated saying goodbye to him.

So, down went the roller coaster again.  I think right now it's below sea level.

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