State of the pups

Mar 06, 2013 00:30

Michael Corvin: Freshly-arrived and still reeling from the implications of the last several days of his life. He's been turned into (his view) a rather freakish killing machine who is infected with what he's been told is a virus lethal to most humans. Being a doctor and having serious personal qualms about doing harm in any case, Michael has some issues to address. That said, he's a very decent guy and will no doubt become more sociable once he stops beating his head against the wall (possibly literally).

Cedric Diggory: My most seriously goody-goody pup, Cedric has been drifting for a while. He's a happy pup for the most part, but still hasn't sorted out what he'd like to do with himself. For now, he'll just be friendly and helpful to just about everyone - it's his thing.

Aaron Corbet: Ironically the biggest bleeding-heart type in my stable, though you'd likely not know it from his smartass attitude. He's having a good time running the candy store and mingling. Attractive men beware, Aaron's angel radar doesn't translate to gaydar very well. He can be a serious flirtmonster.

Jean Grey: Jean is, in a word, insane. As those familiar with the X-Men film canon know, Xavier putting barriers in Jean's mind to give her some chance at a functional life resulted in Jean becoming a dual personality. Recently, cracks have been forming in those barriers and Jean is having to face what she can't help but view as a betrayal by the person she trusted most in the world. Still, she cares deeply for her friends, and in the values with which she was raised. Jean will fight to keep it together.

John Murdoch: My quietest pup, easily. John has come to love the mundane details of life - building up experiences, memories, that he knows are his own rather than coming from a syringe. John is most likely to seek out the company of others just to hear their stories. Working behind the counter of the soda shop gives him great opportunities for just that - sort of like a bartender but with sugar instead of booze.
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