Laughable lives.

May 29, 2004 21:55

These are two replies that I got from my last post. I just replied to them. Its funny I think at least. If anyone

wants to trace the IPs, be my guest. I assume both of them are people I know, or that know people that I know. But

random people are even more interesting I suppose. I have no desire to track either one down, its not worth my time,

just as its not worth my time to be bothered by what they've said... if anything, they cheered me up a bit, just

because they are so incredibly stupid and weak as to do what they have done... Its nice to see that there are

shittier people than me in the world. *grin* Though, I do prefer to see people that are better, and better off, as

hope is more beautiful... but vanity is nice, as well is an ego. Read away... I think I make my point well in the

lines below.

2004-05-25 21:16 (from
... just pull it, it isnt that hard :)

Re: shit
2004-05-29 18:40
that easy if something like you is still alive. Otherwise you would have done it. And you're so original as well.

Like I've already said... fools like you just make me want to live longer. You've added a bit of humor to my life, I

can go on living much longer knowing there is something as pathetic as you in this world. Its a shame, perhaps if

you had given pity, or sympathy, I Would have just gone through with it the second I read this... There is nothing

worse than having someone pity you. Thank you for not shaming me. Though, I pity you, and any soul that is even

close to you... not that you have any idea what shame, honor, or anything is. You only see yourself. Try harder next

time. Maybe one day you can see past yourself... maybe then you can push me over the edge. Cheers.

2004-05-29 17:51 (from
You fucking fag.

How dare you pretend you like noise. You are a fucking disgrace to the genre.

I hope you fucking kill yourself.

2004-05-29 18:32
*shrug* whatever. Like ya even know me. You should grow some balls, stop hiding, log-in. Either you're a loser that

just scans random people's LJs, or you're one of my many enemies... neither way do I care. Not only do you hide

behind a computer, but hide behind an anonymous post. *shakes his head* I thought I was a pussy, people like you

just make me want to live longer. You're more pathetic than anything I've seen before. Oh... and about noise. I

listen to it, but I'm not a fucking noisehead... I haven't updated my info in a long time... I don't stick to any

genre, limiting yourself is foolish. So say I don't like noise if you like, it won't bother me in the least. Cheers.
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