Final Fantasy Dissidia

Sep 16, 2008 16:35

Hmmm.... This might seem kinda random now, since all my posts were supposed to be related to Anime or Japanese actors, but this is a must! After watching the trailer for this game, I can not NOT ramble about this absolutely magnificent looking game. However, if you do not wish to read my ramble, since it might be spoilering, not of your interest or perhaps just down right boring, then don't look behind the LJ cut, okay? ^_^

Okay, first of all, if you want to see the trailer, google 'Square Enix' and enter the Japanese website. It's entirely in Japanese (Duh...) but navigation isn't hard. Go to games, click on Dissidia and when you enter go to movie. There are 3 trailers. Two are just battles, but one is THE trailer of the game. Watch it if you have the chance.

Oh, I should've mentioned: The game is for the PSP and seemingly uses the platform to its fullest.

From what I've gathered from the trailer, there is supposed to be two God-like creatures who are waging war against each other. I head the terms 'Cosmos' and 'Crystals' so perhaps they're fighting over that? But... Those God's aren't seen doing the fighting.
Instead, every Hero / Main Character of the Final Fantasy games are battling. Who are they battling against? Every main Villain of the Final Fantasy games!! Yes, you read that correctly.

The game appears to be a fighting game, where you chose to control a character, for example Tidus, and fight off in a spectacular battle full of special moves and gravity-defying jumps against none other than Jecht! The trailer also shows you're not limited to choosing the good guys. You can even control one of the bad guys and make them fight! Since I saw 2 bad guys fighting against each other, I assume you can pair up any possible combination of characters and brawl them against each other!

Now, that is not all. There are many scenes in which, for example, Firion and Zidane are talking to each other. A scene between Tidus and Squall is also seen!! And in a throne room of sorts, all the main villains are gathered, who are discussing some things among each other.

But the best thing is, there are the awesome FMV / CGI scenes which Square is famous for. Like, Tidus and Zidane helping each other out in a battle! And believe it or not, even Squall is seen fighting against Sephiroth!!!! This of course suggests that Cloud is also a playable character, though for some reason he does not appear in the scene at all.  But, Sephiroth wouldn't show up alone would he? So, we can assume Cloud's playable as well.

Okay, at last, the list of characters I saw.
Garland - Warrior of Light - FF1
Emperor - Firion - FF2
Cloud of Darkness - Onion Warrior - FF3
Ultimecia - Squall - FF8
Ruja - Zidane - FF9
Jecht - Tidus - FF10

Now, you notice a large gap between FF3 and FF8. Don't worry. They're not officially in the characters page of the website, but I'm pretty sure I saw Cecil in the trailer and I saw the evil clown like guy from FF6 and Sepiroth from FF7. So, we can assume all the characters of 1-10 are in there. I'm not sure about 11 and 12 though. And they wouldn't dare putting the 13 and vs13 in there, right?

Actually, Cecil has been confirmed through scans ^_^

Anyway, you should really go watch this game if you're a fan of the Final Fantasy games. The trailer will rock your mind!!
Btw, the game is set to release on the 18th of December this year in Japan, so we might be able to expect an English release next summer??

Also, here are some pictures I found on the net:

dissidia, final fantasy

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