Apr 19, 2010 02:21
I'm doing my very best to keep flinging myself at people instead of letting myself languish alone in my room. Progress has been stuttering and slow, and it's occurred mainly via the internets (._. working on that next), and I'm horribly prone to backsliding, but things are looking up.
That being said, sometimes I wonder if all this newfound courage is because I'm genuinely Getting Better, or just more used to the people on my various contact lists. I'm hoping it's the former; I feel like I'm getting better at talking to people I barely know, but I kind of worry that's just wishful thinking. Well, either way, chin up, never say die, etc.
In other news, I finally rallied my courage and cooked something with the cast iron skillet. I'm deeply convinced I'm going to touch the skillet and it will simultaneously explode in pointy iron fragments, burn me horribly, and flake away into a pile of rust. I'm usually not terribly paranoid about harming myself or my cookware, but there's something about the weight and texture of cast iron that makes me worry.
ETA: Oh hey I'm breaking out again. Great. The skin on my upper chest, shoulders, and hands is all puffy and pink and I've got all these cute little scabs running up and down my arms and it itches terribly. I'll have to stop by CVS tomorrow and pick up more Claritin, sob sob.