1. Do you have a tattoo?
Yes. The Scarface symbol with the words "Scarred for Life" under it on my right arm. I intend to have many more.
2. How old are you?
I'm twenty, going on twenty-one in January.
3. Are you single or taken?
I'm single by choice. I do however have two lovers.
4. Fish?
Absolutely hate the smell and the taste. If it comes
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Woh... So manythings too tell about... I'll begin by life; life for me is everything, in everything, is absolute and will always be good for you if you wish it and beleive in it, not punish you for what you did bad, life is not God, but if she does something bad too you, you can at least, if you are strong anough or willing to see it, learn from it. Life is beautifull with others people event if we suffer from them, because we can't live alone in our own planet...
About death... I'm not afraid of death, but sometimes, I would have the choise to decide when and how to die. I don't want to be killed in a stupid accident, I don'T wan ever to see someone I relly love, die, and worse, in front of me... I'm not christian but, even if I can't be sure of it, I FEEL that death doesn't stop the life, our essence... It only "hide" us from material world. The only thing that really bugs be is that I feel life is running so fast and I want to do so many things I'm affraid too not have enough time even if I know that I'm doing all these things and die one day... But I can't let myself loafing around doing nothing... If life must have a sence, I'm giving to it the sence to have fun or to make fun...
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
Mhh... This is a "piege" question! Can'T answer it :p
11. Do you trust the police?
Not really...
12. Do you like musicals?
Not really... I prefer to watch a movie or to listen music seperatly. I don'T like redundant things that don't end but if there is good choregraphy, it is good.
13. What is your fondest memory of me?
Mh... The joy to have back and answer from you because I was feeling so... I wondered what I could give interesting, I was not feeling really confident, I always underestimate myself in comparison of the people that impressed me... (Was the same a bit too for the person I'm curently tagging ;)
14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
I'd like to be taller. I was told I'd be at least six foot by the age of eighteen. I'm twenty and I'm about five nine. I have this ridiculous tendency to feel extremely uncomfortable around girls who are taller than me. It insults me for some reason. I don't know why, I can't explain it. But I'm obsessed with it, I think about my height a lot. I know I fucked up somewhere. It must have been my bad diet and my lifestyle in my teenage years.
--> Wear plat-form boots :p (want some)
I don't think I want to change anything... I don'T know what I could change... If I'd change only one part, it could be worse and unproportionnate :p Nope... Even if some said I was cute, I'm not telling it superficially... Because I always a bit not considered my look ironically by the fact that when I was young, people lought at me often because of my old ugly cloths, and I fought it was only me and was feeling like a boy, and not only because of my short hairs! But, I love fashion, I'm only playing with it and to explorate a bit more of myself... well... I'm talking too much!
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