I've been lurking in the shadows

Mar 15, 2012 11:05

This past month (or so) I've been really sick.  Dry coughing, stuffy nose...other unpleasant things.  When Lion and I finally made it to the doctor I was told I had bronchitis--joy!  So I went on antibiotics that broke me out in a nasty rash and...well...didn't fix anything.  In fact, I wound up in the ER because I threw up blood due to the coughing.  I was put onto another antibiotic that seems to be working ok (I don't have any experience with this stuff, so how am I supposed to know?  I'm still coughing, my nose is still runny, but the chest pains are gone.) but I then came down with a ridiculously high fever.  Well, I got over that hump (though my appetite sure hasn't returned) and Lion got sick.

We're both "better" now.

In the meantime, my hours got seriously cut at work.  I worked maybe 50 hours total in all of February.  I understand why hours get cut, so I wasn't really upset--except that we've had to use all our savings for Comicon to make up for me not having a paycheck for the equivalent of two months (remember--I didn't work in January due to the moped accident).  And that's made me so ridiculously sad.

Anyway, when I went back into work (still sick, mind you) I was told my hours were cut because I was lowest in sales in the department.  Which means that I was punished for the car accident.  Which is illegal.  So I told my boss that she could keep scheduling me, but I'm gonna look for a new job.

I had to call in due to the ER visit a few days later.  But when I returned at the start of my next regularly scheduled shift I was still sick (threw up again, this morning, as a matter of fact.  Maybe these things AREN'T working.) and she got mad.  She told me to take the week off because she needed someone dependable on the floor, and I clearly wasn't healthy enough to be that person.

So I went home.  Angry.  Sick.  Miserable.  It's not my fault I'm ill, and I'm fighting it with everything I've got.  But, honestly, I hit a brick wall when Lion got sick too.

And that's when I got a miraculous phone call--the same company that employs my amazing husband wants me to work for them!  So, the same day I was told to not go to work because I can't be depended on, I put in my two week's notice.  I am moving out of the retail business on April 2, right after Comicon.

To which we are still going.  We just don't know if we can afford the hotel, anymore, which was really what we were wanting.  We need a vacation from this apartment/neighborhood.  Desperately.  So we'll just have to figure it out.  Maybe we live on rice and butter for a while...

Oh, yes, and on top of all of that!  We've gone vegetarian!  It's actually been quite a joy not eating meat, as my diet consisted of that, anyway, and the recipes have all been so tasty!  With the exception of fever day (wherein I craved a Big Mac) I haven't even missed the meat.

So, there's the past month and a half in a nutshell.  Hopefully there will be more updating after Comicon, if I can't motivate myself to write again.

life, sick, work, news, new beginnings, update, husband

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