Jan 17, 2012 12:21
So. It's snowing here int he Northwest and everyone is acting like an idiot. People don't know how to drive on icy streets (too slow or too fast, both of which cause horrific accidents like the one in Seattle that derailed one of their railcars) and everyone freaks out over a few inches of snow. Schools are closed today (with less than an inch on the ground) and my doctor's appointment has now been cancelled in anticipation of the 10 or so inches we're expecting to get tomorrow night. Everyone's hunkering down like it's going to be a huge storm that will shut down all of the Northwest.
People up here just need one decent winter in Kansas, I'm tellin' ya!
On top of that, I've been trying to get my xrays for my now-postponed doctor's visit, but I was informed that I am not allowed to request my xrays. The doctor I'm going to has to request them, even though I have all the information for both locations available. Isn't that some sort of privacy law or something? I have a right to have my xrays sent where I want? I don't know enough about doctors or hospitals to be doing this stuff on my own.
And while we're on the subject, I'm getting billed for the MRI I didn't have. And the lady calling me is telling me I'm not on Lion's insurance (which I am) or that my car insurance will cover this (which it would IF I had actually had the MRI, which I DID NOT). So. We're undergoing stupid people there, too.
I woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying due to the pain that is still present in my shoulder. I woke up, popped a percoset, and went back to sleep for four hours. And I still hurt. But everyone is just trying to stress me out more than I already am because of this stupid insurance stuff.
I just wish Lion were here. He's incredible at fixing all the horrible problems I get myself into.