I wasn't being lazy, I was doing wedding stuff

Sep 19, 2011 10:28

18 - Where do you get the most inspiration for your fics (aka "bunnies") from?

Everywhere. Really. Inspiration just hits me in odd circumstances. I miss being in a workplace where I could just pull out pen and paper and start writing and still look like I was working. Inspiration could come from a customer walking by or a song playing on the radio. I have no limitations.

19 - When you have bunnies, do you sit down and start writing right away, or do you write down the idea for further use?

I wish I did either of those things! I never seem to find the time to write when inspiration strikes. And I find if I write down notes the story just fizzles out. Basically: I'm on the page, ok, you don't need to worry about me anymore. And that makes me very sad.

In real-world news, we're looking to buy me a moped, but we don't think we can even get $600 for my car, so we don't know where the money is coming from, but it's very dangerous for me to continue to drive my dear Esperanza.

We went to a Wedding Expo, yesterday, and I fell in love with a dress called "Sleeping Beauty". And if we had $1200 it'd be mine! But we don't, so we left it there. I'm trying to convince Lion to let us take a limo to the airport when we leave for Kansas, but he's not feeling that idea.

Also, we sent out a wedding e-mail to start getting our wedding schedule in place, but people are responding with comments such as, "when did we decide we were doing cupcakes instead of a wedding cake? why are you going to Indiana to pick up wine? my obligations are fulfilled, so I'm not going to join into anything." And it's frustrating me. The first two: ok, did you NOT read the e-mails we've been sending out on a monthly/bi-monthly basis? And on the last one: ouch! We asked, you said yes, we responded as quickly as our schedules allowed, and then we sent you a thank-you AND invited you, when originally you weren't even going to come! So what's the attitude for?

And I've realized that we STILL don't have the money to rent our reception hall, and we don't even know if we have to pay for it, at this point. I'm tired and angry, now, and that defeated the whole purpose of

following the crowd, life, family, numbers, sleeping beauty, wtf, car, choices, shit, activities, ouches, vacation, engagement, fairy tales, stuff i want, meme, 30 day fanfic meme, lion comments, 30 day meme, challenges, weddings, money, cars, update, schedules

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