The breeze feels like eternity

Mar 30, 2011 12:12

Today is Mike's birthday. I tried to call him, but he didn't answer, and now the low feelings I've been staving off since the horrible allegations from my ex-boss were made have flooded over me. I'm sitting here, trying to fill out new job applications, as tears stream down my face. It's really a stupid thing to try.

I miss Mike so much. I tried to talk to him via text, and I understand that he's busy with life and the time difference doesn't help, but when he doesn't respond for days (or at all) it really hurts. Doesn't he know how much I need him?

I love my Lion more and more every day. Especially since he understands exactly what Mike is to me. He's never questioned it, never doubted my love of him, and supports my feelings 100%. But I know it's hard on him when I break down crying because another guy won't return my calls.

But Mike is my best friend. And it's his birthday. I really figured he'd pick up the phone. I even tried to call around a time I think one would be on a lunch break, just in case. But maybe he's at rehearsal, or a photo shoot or something. Maybe he'll call back tonight. I just miss him, and all. He's my maid of honor and he doesn't return my calls. That makes it even harder.

*dries tears*

Anyway. This wasn't going to be a "poor me" post. If you want to read those, this journal is riddled with them, so just choose a random entry and enjoy. Today I was going to talk about the massive cleaning Lion and I did, yesterday. It's amazing how much space is actually in this apartment when we can find the time to clean it. Unfortunately, due to the ridiculousness of my former job, we never did find time to clean except on Christmas. And who wants to spend Christmas day cleaning house?

So yesterday was wonderful. All the gaming books got put back in their places, the green chair retired to the library, where it's supposed to be at all times, and the cat-pee-covered clothing got thoroughly washed. Poor Calvin, he's getting so old he can't always find the litterbox, anymore. :-(

I am thoroughly enjoying the reading of Little Women and Werewolves. It keeps the same general plot, and 2/3 of the language is just as beautiful and enjoyable as the original. The other 1/3 of the novel is pure hilarity. Imagine Mr. March getting bitten by a werewolf and becoming obsessed with bones the way Wolf is obsessed with food in The Tenth Kingdom or Beth falling madly in love with Mr. Laurence! It's pure jocularity. I am happy I finally got ahold of this book.

And I read something today, which I was sad to discover was not in the original version, it was so pretty, that I wanted to share it with you. Jo and Beth are discussing taking a vacation:
"Then what would you think, Beth, of you and I taking this opportunity to go to the mountains?"
"Oh, no, Jo. Please, not so far from home, I beg you."
"Well, then, is there anywhere where you would want to go?"
"Perhaps to the seashore again. It is so quiet, and there is so much open air, and the sea breezes smell of eternity."

The sea breezes do, in fact, smell of eternity. Maybe that's why I love the ocean so very much.

books, birthdays, cleaning

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