The air smells of warm vinegar

Aug 22, 2010 23:36

So, I've been here in Tacoma for two weeks now. Still no job on the horizon, still no kitties sleeping at our feet. It makes me sad. Everything is making me sad.

It's not that I regret coming up here. I don't. I don't regret following Lion or finding the ability to start a new life, create a new home. I actually enjoy the adventure. But I'm sad.

I miss Mike so much I can't breathe. That's not too new. But now I can't really solve the problem by making a dinner date with him. And Kevin is now living with him, which means two of my best guys would be having dinner with me, if I could just drive to KC. And I can't.

I'm also missing the cats like crazy. Enough on that. If I go on too long I'll start to cry.

L says that it will all go away when I get a job. That's all well and good, but, while I've had two interviews, no-one wants to hire a girl from the "backwater" state, known as Kansas. And it makes me frustrated that I try so hard and can't seem to get anywhere.

Lion and I make do. We read a lot. We go to the library every day. We even experiment with new things. For example: we made watermelon rind pickles today. And we're posting lots of silly videos to facebook, to let people know we're doing okay.

Because we are. We just don't have any income and no friends and no cats. And it's hard. I haven't had a reason to drive my own car in three weeks. That's now isolated we currently are, even though we went to game in Seattle on Thursday. Lion doesn't want to make that trip again, and the Seattle gamers are pressuring us to find something to do closer to home. Disheartening. That's the word.

But we're going to sell plasma tomorrow. That will get us enough money to maybe splurge on McDonald's or ice cream. And there's a zombie walk that we're going to go get video and pictures of, probably to be later used for ZSU. We're hoping there will be some gamers there, so we can strike up a conversation.

Well, that's the update for now. We're doing okay, though we have our bad days. Today was not one of them. Today was good.

friends, work, mike, washington, cooking, cats

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