Title: Rewind, Repeat
Pairing: Sam/Ainsley
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Doesn't everyone have regrets?
Author's Note: Slightly angsty. For
tww100. Drabble.
“Ainsley!” She looks older now. More mature, certainly, but still beautiful. He swallows hard, smiles weakly, shakes her hand. “I never expected to see you here.”
“How’ve you been? How’re things since you, uh, left?”
“They’re…I’m good, Sam. I’m doing good work.” His fingers trace the line of her wrist and she’s reminded of a thousand other touches and a thousand other times.
“It’s nice to see you.” He leans in, and he has to remind himself to steer away from her lips. His lips brush her cheek. She bites her lip. She just wants to start over.