I can never think of witty subject titles to save my life.

Jun 27, 2010 15:24

Guys, guys, you are all so amazing. No, really. I have gone through all the Doctor Who reaction entries and while on one hand it feels like OW MY EYES IT HURTS TO MOVE THEM, on the other, you all have such great thoughts and flail and sometimes YOU ARE ALL SO DIFFERENT. I love that half of my flist was all THE FINALE I LOVES IT and half of my flist was all Meh. You guys. You guys.

That being said, reading all your reaction posts has taught me that I really have no idea what to say about this, except:

Doctor Who may be the first fandom to rope me into an OT3? Like in a timesharey sharing-is-caring kind of way? Because I love love love Amy/Rory but I also cannot tear myself away from Eleven/Amy so, you know.

Ships are relevant to my life always.

tv: doctor who

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